Anyone else think this is so?

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Apr 11, 2006
With sky-high ammo prices it seems a lot of people are trying to cash in by putting ammo they have on hand up on the auctions sites. I have looked at number of such listings and I think in many cases the ammo being offered is reloaded, likely by the seller.

1. I would never, ever, under any circumstance shoot any ammo loaded by someone else. I even avoid the commercial reloaders although that is maybe being a bit paranoid.

2. Selling ammo you have loaded puts you in violation of federal law as you need an ammo manufacturer's license to sell ammo you have loaded.

3. In several of the auction listings the seller stated the ammo would be shipped via USPS. Ummm... that's also illegal. Ammo must go by common carrier.

Am I kooky or has anyone seen this sort of thing happening?
Seen it happen for a long time.

I've purchased reloads before from a reputable 06 FFL for my old .500 mag, no problems there. $.75 a round compared to $2 - $3 per round at the store and $.08 .38 special WC loads for a Taurus 605chb that I had.

But I have indeed seen people sell their own reloads, i've seen people offer to ship via USPS, and i've even seen people try to sell reloads as factory loaded ammo to make more money.

It's pretty bad.
So it's illegal to sell any quantity of handloaded ammo? I was thinking about getting into reloading and a couple guys I know said they'd be interested in buying some from me if I did.
I have been seeing a lot of reloads on That's the NBC station in Salt Lake City. They have classisified ads for guns and ammo.
MM- If you sell your reloads the ATF expects you to be licensed as an ammo manufacturer.
I for one would never ever sell my reloads. Legality is one thing, Liability is another. Not worth taking the chance. One mistake and you are done!
What about if someone buys the components for you, you reload it, and they trade you a case of beer for the ammo?
What about if someone buys the components for you, you reload it, and they trade you a case of beer for the ammo?

Trading/selling ammo that YOU manufactured without a 06 FFL can land you in prison pretty quickly.

There's no getting around it really. I believe you can give reloaded ammo as a bona fide gift, and that's about it.
You also have to collect & pay the 11% Federal Excise Tax on loaded ammo.

And local & State sales tax, & State & Federal income tax on the profits.

IMHO, a person should NEVER shoot someone else's reloads and NEVER reload for anyone else. Murphy's law is alive and well, as are avaricious lawyers. Play it safe.
BhmBill - I don't think you can even give them away. Certainly not over here. I tried to sweeten the deal on some factory loaded shotgun cartridges when I sold my Winchester pump. These were actually commissioned under a label from that gunshop / club (they had their own clay range) and they wouldn't take them unless in their own sealed box. At the NRA ranges in the UK you are forbidden even letting someone you're shooting with use your reloads.
I have a small group of shooting buddies, we pool our resources to get deals on bulk reloading components, but then we assemble and shoot our own ammo.

That's as close as I want to come to 'selling' my reloads. I agree it is just too much of a liability issue.
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