Anyone ever committed this booboo?

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Jul 30, 2003
Ft Belvoir, VA
Decided to pull my Fed Ord M-14 out of the safe for cleaning-hadn't fired it in forever, and even with dessicant in the safe, the climate down here can be rough. Much to my annoyance, I discovered that when I'd put it away, I'd put a trigger lock on it. Don't ask me why, I don't know. But I figure no problem, I've got a key ring with keys to all my trigger locks (I use them when I move, since the guns aren't locked up in a safe).

Two increasingly frustrating minutes later, it becomes clear that the key to this lock is missing. Nowhere to be found. :banghead:

So, Monday I'm going to take the rifle to a locksmith to get the lock removed. But I am a tad worried that he's going to think I stole it. And I bought this rifle 4 years ago in a FTF transaction, back when I was too dumb to keep a record of who I bought it from. :uhoh:

Hopefully all goes well.
Yes. I put the lock on a Remington 700. This was before I had a safe. When I realized the key was lost I hacksawed it off. It was one of those locks that clamps on to the trigger guard, as opposed to one of the cable locks. My arm got a real workout.
I haven't committed that one, but I have recurring bad dreams regarding waking up and not remembering the combination to my safe. Or where I have it "secretly" written down.
No havnt done that but i worry about it as ive run out of room in the safe and dont want to buy a new one while im still in this house my doors arent std size talk about a pain getting stuff in and out:banghead: :banghead:
I've never done that but I had a Mini-14 in lay away and when I went to pick it up, they couldn't find the key! I got a fifty dollar discount and all I had to do was disassemble the rifle and it came right off.

M-14's are mighty similar for some reason. Try swinging the trigger guard down and see if it don't just wiggle off.;)
I did that once

I had driven up to my hunting land, which is about a three hour drive from my house. When I got there, I realized that I did not bring the key for the trigger lock that was on my M1 Garand. So I just swung the trigger guard down and wiggled the lock off! So why would I bother putting a lock on it? Same reason why I lock all of my guns while heading to my land (except for my ccw gun of course). I often have many, many guns with me during that trip, and I figure the locks will save me some questioning and harassment if I ever get pulled over.
I'd just take out my lockpick set and open the thing right up, assuming it takes a standard-ish key.

I don't know if lockpicks are legal in SC, though.
If simply prying it apart or stripping the gun doesnt do it, drilling it out will probably be the least cuss-inducing method.

I'm a locksmith. I don't know about where you are, but here in Montana, your problem is not a problem in my shop. $5.00 gets your lock picked off, & I'll even throw it away for you free of charge. The reason they give triggerocks away is because they aren't worth anything.

Do you want to take the chance of slipping with either the hacksaw or drill & 'customizing' your M-14?

For those who posted about pulling up the trigger guard-thanks for the reminder. A really good yank, the guard opened, lock comes off.

And to everyone who's done the same thing-thanks for making me feel a little less dumb. :p
When I moved from WA to SC, my long guns were in cases in the back seat of my car, which was being towed behind my truck. Lock was put on then. Not a real theft deterent, I know, but it made me feel a tiny bit safer.
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