Anyone have a dream like this? Is my subconsious "trained"?

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Jan 3, 2003
This is an actual dream. Had it last night. I swear on the U.S Constitution this is real.

In my dream I was in a supermarket parking lot and observed a young man in a blue denim jacket with a white collar lifting a radio from a car. I followed him at a distance to see which direction he would go.

He met up with one of his friends and settled on the curb to chat. I circled around far enough to appear that I had come from another direction. I got close enough to ask the guy about the radio and how much it would cost to acquire one -- I guess I was trying to out the criminal or something. He quoted a price that sounded like gibberish (keep in mind this is a dream). That's when I noticed his buddy was carrying -- not printing -- carrying. In his hand. No idea what it was -- semi-auto -- nickel or stainless. I tried to leave but they followed.

The dream skipped ahead a few moments and suddenly I have managed to turn the tables. I have drawn down on them and am directing them to lie face down -- legs crossed - arms out. I informed them that I am detaining them until the police arrive. I get the police dispatcher on the cellphone and tell her every detail of the situation. I alert her that I am armed with a handgun and that when the officers arrive I will lay down the weapon assume the same position in which I have placed the two scumbags. The dispatcher has no idea what I am talking about and mumbles something about a problem elsewhere. She cannot figure out the procedure and seems totally oblivious to anything I am telling her.

That's when I notice my gun is gone and I have been holding these kids at bay with a crushed paper cup. The funny part is -- those car-radio crooks never knew the difference.

That's when the phone rang and woke me up. Were this to happen in waking life -- I think I would call the cops from a distance and do everything I could to avoid engagement.

Regarding the dream; however, (hero elements aside and ignoring that paper cup) how well did my subconsious do in the situation?
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I'm still wondering what my best tactical carry option is in one of those dreams where I show up to work or church naked.

brad cook
"The cup was half empty,but I think it was half full!"
And some would say the cup needed a tactical reload.

Ive only been on this sight a couple of weeks and I gota say I like the sight but azrael the link to the tread was quite ...... well im really not sure what to think of that one, It was funny though.
I had a dream once that I had gotten into a gunfight at a hotel. I was using my at-that-time truck pistol--a Ruger Security-Six .357Mag. And I ended up getting shot when I had to do a reload. Shortly after having that dream, I traded the Security-Six for a P95 loaded w/ +P+ ammo. No more nightmares...:cool:

As for your dream---who knows? If anything, you've got your bluffing skills down...:D

Azrael256: the mods really need to make that a permanent sticky. That was one of my favorite threads ever...:evil:
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