Anyone in Texas shooting late season doves?

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Dec 3, 2005
The end of the road between Sodom and Gomorrah Tex
Or anywhere else that has a season, I reckon. Ours, south zone, ends the 23, so I've been hittin' 'em. I have a good number of the Eurasian ringnecks on my place. Never had 'em before, just moved in with all the fronts I suppose. Everyone out there is blasting 'em, hear shots all over. I have been doing fair on 'em and Mourning doves. This morning, I had about an hour and a quarter to hunt before I had to get ready for my part time job twice a week. I got there about 10 after 8 and left at 9:30 after shooting 3 and missing several high shots. Saw lots of birds out of range flying around. If I'd had all morning to hunt, I might have put together a limit. It wasn't bad for my place. :D

We're going to run down there Thursday and stay until Saturday morning. I'll get a morning and afternoon hunt in before I call it quits.
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