Anyone know where I can buy......

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Feb 15, 2008
Anyone know where I can buy a non-firing replica of an 1847 Colt Walker or (Dragoon)??

I have searched the internet only to find replicas of the 1860 Army etc......

Thanks all...........
I am putting up a display in the living room, so this is why I need a non-firing replica.
Hey Gator, Thanks for the link.....I was on that site today and missed the Dragoon.....just ordered just to find the Colt Walker and I am good to go....if you know of any other sites, it would be appreciated!
Two suggestions if you can't find a non-firing replica of a Colt Walker or any other cap & ball revolver.

When the E.M.F. Company go to a show, their display models have nipples that don't have holes drilled through them. Obviously they can't be fired. I suspect they would sell you a set on request.

Or simply remove the mainspring. Again the revolver couldn't be fired by anyone that handled it.

Last but not least, simply remove the nipples. Then the revolver can't be fired either, nor can it be loaded. Tip the muzzle up and loose powder will run out the back.
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