Anyone Own Class III Firearms?

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Is the scope mandatory? I have a K-31 rifle that shoots rather nicely, sans scope. If there was a way for me to put an ACOG on it I would be in hog heaven (and deep doo doo with the wife) ;)

Scout mounts look like they are too far away for a proper eye relief on the ACOG, unfortunately.

I do not own any class III firearms, but am helping a friend to sell his. Link
Yep, this was the day I bought the gun and wanted to add something than just the rifle.

Haven't put it to a controlled test to see how well it shoots (will get to it eventually), but so far it seems to shoot where I want it.
Class, can you say "agent provocateur?"

I know how this works. You get a few people to say they own military grade weapons then take the pics and info to the next bloc party. You then reaffirm to each other what warmongering, running-dog capitalist lackeys gun owners are and how you are the ultimate arbiters of all things right and proper. Then you go and round out the evening by ambushing some poor grandmother wearing a fur coat and throwing blood on her. No thanks. You can have my gun info when you pry it from my cold dead ISP.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late to my evening lurk. Tonight I'm drawing fire on a PETA forum. Last week I found out who let the dogs out and that Alicia Silverstone gobbles turkey legs.

Back atcha.

And it's good to be a 26 year old male mall ninja EBR owning demographic. My mom said it was OK.
the commie state i live wont allow its subjects to have such fun toys. so i dont own any.

PTK. very nice collection sir !
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