Anyone recognize this barrel?

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Nov 20, 2005
I suspect it's a Springfield 1903 barrel, but wanted to consult the experts that inhabit this forum. I picked this up as part of a large lot at an estate sale a few years back. Anyone here able to tell me more about what I've got? It measures 24". I'd rather not open it if I choose to sell it. I'd imagine it's worth more unopened.

It's really hard to say exactly what you've got unopened. Most likely it's just an unissued 1903 barrel, such as the ones that certain companies are putting on old 1903's to refurbish them to like-new condition while still maintaining period correctness.

That being said, it's probably not worth more than a couple of hundred bucks, if that, considering that AIM Surplus recently had complete Springfield 1903's with brand new Krieger Criterion barrels for $750, and I've seen rebuilds with unissued barrels going for $900 or so. I'd say $300, tops, if you could find the right buyer.

Of course, this is all speculation. If you have something truly rare, all bets are off.
And if it's just an M16 barrel, its worth is pretty insignificant. 50 years of manufacturing improvements and general refinements to the design have rendered those early military-issue barrels obsolete in every sense of the word. Considering what a new, good barrel costs, it's not much.

With a date of 1963 it could be an M14 barrel, though. That might be worth something.
24" barrel doesnt sound like M16. I think I see HK printed on it, might not be domestic. Can you tell if there is a barrel extension on it?
So, is it wise to open it up to get more pictures if I were to consider selling it? Would this potentially have adverse consequences for value from a collectible standpoint? Thanks so far for the info, btw.
It is already open removing it from the outer packing should not reduce the value just don't destroy the outer pack so you can repack it after you take the photos. Do not remove any of the cosomoline( grease) leave it on. and I would love to see the pics as far as selling it the guys on the NFA forum will prob be able to help
THAT IS A SPRINGFIELD 1903 (not 1903-A3) REPLACEMENT BARREL Made during WWII by the US Springfield Armory.
I sold one like that two or three years ago for $200.
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