Anyone use paperbacks for targets?

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Dec 6, 2009
Downtown Salem, Oregon
I have hundreds if not thousands of paperbacks and I need to offload them. The majority are in too bad of shape due to enormous amounts of rereading to make them viable for donating or reselling and I thought I might be able to get five cents for like Reader's Digest types and ten cents for paperbacks like Star Trek novels. (I'm incredibly loathe doing this but medical issues with my grandmother and a lack of work for me means we need to sell everything possible and find some way to get her some day aide/care so I can get back into the workforce instead of spending 24 hours a day watching her)
I figured with some paint balls inside them or using binary target stuff it would be interesting to make some reactive targets out of them.
Yep. I open them to the middle, lay a string across it, close it, then seal it with a stripe of duct tape all the way around. Lastly I put a dot in the center. Hang them up and they make reactive targets; enough resistance to swing when they're hit. I have a lot of really old, worn out pulp novels.
What a great idea!

I've been collecting and housing those until I finally dump the shelves into a garbage bag and haul them off to "Sally" (Salvation Army).

I have a shooter friend due in next month, and a couple dozen novels that are just begging for a bullet !
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