J Miller
Best of luck to you too. Take care.
Best of luck to you too. Take care.
DHart said:Sorry Titus, you're on your own bud. I've got bigger fish to fry at the moment so you'll have to do your own research if you want more info.
DHart said:Well Frank, you have revealed yourself as the person that you are! This is so comical. My "harsh accusations"? Please refresh your memory of what I've said and share with us what my "harsh accusations" are? Really, though, your remarks are undeserving of continued comment.
DHart said:Note that you started this thread by stating that you wanted a gun without the lock and asked for evidence of people having problems with the lock. I provided quotations of three members of the S&W forum that have had lock-related failures and you simply won't accept that. At this point I really don't care what you do or what you think.
I don't understand why you don't just buy your S&W and get on with it? Why are you perpetuating this tirade of yours? At this point, your remarks are undeserving of my comments.
DHart said:Well Frank, you have revealed yourself as the person that you are! This is so comical. My "harsh accusations"? Please refresh your memory of what I've said and share with us what my "harsh accusations" are? Really, though, your remarks are undeserving of continued comment.
No, no one can ... because the stories are anecdotal ... one blurb in a Mas Ayoob article in a gun rag noted for perpetuating firearms rumors, and a handful of second and third person internet forum postings. In all this time, if The Lock had created real problems, I submit that there'd have been a bit more "official" and reliable documentation ...I'll ask again for anyone who cares to answer - Can anyone cite another instance of lock failure besides the ones I've listed?
Titus said:"For those who want to pull their heads out of the sand, there are plenty of first-person, factual accounts. If you want to find them, you can. They're all over the place. But if you just want to live in denial, that's ok too. Your guns, your life, do as you like."
No one has spent more time on more forums bad mouthing the locks and the people who buy them than you. And yet, when called on to back up your assertion that the "first-person, factual accounts" are all over the place for those "who want to pull their heads out of the sand" and not "live in denial", all you have is "This thread is now beneath me". You clearly have plenty of time to keep posting in these threads, so you've had enough time to produce one if you could.
I'll ask again for anyone who cares to answer - Can anyone cite another instance of lock failure besides the ones I've listed?
DHart said:Frank.... Frank.... hello Frank.... you're acting like a child, Frank. And making a fool out of yourself. Try to grow up a little!
This thread is dead, don't you realize that yet? Everyone else does. I'm switching to "unsubscribe"!
DHart said:Titus, if it's so important to you for whatever reason to seek out more references, feel free to do so. I haven't made it my business to compile sources and references over the last four or five years that I've participated on these forums. Sorry. I really have much more interesting things to do now than dragging this out ad nauseum.