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Dec 31, 2011
I have it as a goal to take the crew here to an Appleseed some day in the next year. Have begun outfitting us with equipment to make it fun and successful for all. I have 3 10/22s, one the Ruger anniversary rifle, one with tech sights and one with a scope to choose from. I have 2 kids, will be 8 & 11 next summer. Right now, they shoot a TC hotshot break open single shot, and a Savage rascal bolt single shot. Both have peep style sights. Will these guys be able to manage the program with the single shots, or do I need to cut down a 10/22 stock to fit them? Is the program laid out where I can cut down one stock and have them share?

Also, specifically what kind of sling is needed? The info I see is a military style sling, but don't want to be surprised when I get there with the wrong stuff. I currently have these on most of my hunting rifles.

Very interested in this, hoping the kids aren't too small for the project, but after a homeschool segment on the Revolution, they're very interested in history, and they love shooting. Any input on how to make this fun would help.
With them, not so worried about the score, just the training and process. The 11yr old just starting in 4-h shooting sports, so I figure both will work together. The 8yr old still just shooting off bench, so may be a bigger challenge there.
We will make you a better shooter with whatever rifle you bring... but something magazine fed would be much more suited to the course of fire than a single shot. Your other 10/22s are perfect. Anyone who comes to an Appleseed for the first time is already going to be hard pressed to absorb all the info, without having to fight his equipment too.

The recommended sling is the GI web sling, the type that was issued for the M1 and M14 -- the one with the metal hook on the rear and a cam buckle adjuster on the front. They are 1 1/4" wide, and will require that width sling swivels. The Appleseed Store on our website sells them.

Have fun! Appleseed is a fantastic course for anybody looking to improve his rifle shooting.
Most slings are designed for carrying, not shooting.
That sling could probably work but a M1 Garand style definitely will and cheaper too. Tech Sights, Appleseed store sells them. I got mine from Midway fot $15.
I haven't gone to a Appleseed (yet). But I will, hopefully before the end of year.
Oh, should have contact info for the appleseed instructor at the range you plan on attending.
nw_aggie said:
Will these guys be able to manage the program with the single shots, or do I need to cut down a 10/22 stock to fit them?
While it can be done, it would put them at a pretty large disadvantage. It was hard enough running it with a bolt action rifle.

I think they'd get a lot more out of the instruction if they aren't having to fight their equipment to keep up too.

Is the program laid out where I can cut down one stock and have them share?
I guess it is possible, if you want them to only be able to take part in half the shooting portion.

While it may differ between locations, when I attended, all the shooters were shooting together. If they were shoot the same rifle, they'd only be getting half the repetitions

Also, specifically what kind of sling is needed? The info I see is a military style sling, but don't want to be surprised when I get there with the wrong stuff.
The sling you'd listed won't work, as it appears to be a sling designed to carry the rifle. What they'll be instructed in will be the use of the GI sling...they're only $12-15 on the website
I may be old fashioned, but it is my opinion that a Ruger 10 22, well lubricated and clean, fitted with tech sights and a 1907 (like on a Garand) is a great combination for an Appleseed event. All of them will not be outgrown, will be used and effective for many many years.
For the Appleseed event, make certain you have a mat or blanket or something to lie prone on. Make sure you have ELBOW PADS, as you will quickly wear out your elbows without them. Have at least 3 magazines. Bring lots of ammo.
Mainly however, bring an open mind and willingness to learn.
You should email the regional Appleseed volunteers near you.

I'm in no way affiliated with Appleseed, and I'm in a different part of the country, so ymmv, but I have spoken to Appleseed volunteers and they are a very enthusiastic and dedicated bunch. At least from what I've seen. Those I've met obviously try very hard to make Appleseed work for everyone. Including you and your kids. They put an amazing amout of personal time and effort into helping people prepare, and having spares, and working through firearm issues.

This is just a possibility/they may shoot this down, but: they may know of an already cut down 10/22 stock that another youth has outgrown and could be traded out, or know of other options to get everyone shooting without spending a lot of cash.
I did an Appleseed back around 2003.

The instructors couldn't figure out how to put the leather GI sling together. I feel a web GI sling is much easier to use.

Plan to do calisthenics all day. Stand, sit, prone...repeat. Very tiring and a heavily cushioned mat is a must.

Bring good electronic muffs. 50 people on the line and two instructors barking orders was tough to hear.

Sight in your rifles before the shoot...please. Some guy next to me had an AK with 30rd magazine and a $1200 ACOG. He spent two hours trying to figure the abomination out and held up the whole line.

Watch the weather. Rain, heat, cold...makes for a miserable weekend.

If the up and down routine gets to be too much, take a break. It's just practice for the final test. You may get yelled at but so be it.

The 10/22 is great, try and use your most accurate ammo for the final. Stuff that shoots shotgun spreads is fine for practice drills but will hurt scores later.

I'm sure there's more but all I can think of at the moment.
Thanks for the info. Will look into some of those slings.

Is there any disadvantage to shooting the program with a scope?
Cant becomes a greater issue the further your aiming system is from the line of the bore, also if the scope does not have adjustable parallax for 25 yards then spot weld/head placement/eye relief issues are multiplied........and you are not shooting off bags or taking your time, so I would say a scope may not help as much as hinder at 25 yards.

The class is basically USMC pre mid 1960s and that was for iron sights.

The class I took encouraged the use of the canvas web sling and taught pre adjusting for sling use and hasty sling.

Other than a GI type canvas web sling and tech sights (or Nordic or even some other adjustable peep) for the 10/22 the most "gotta have" to me is an extended mag release to make getting the empty out easier when using the standard 10/22 10 round magazines. I would not use extended mags as they might get in your way when dropping quickly to a good prone position or be in the way with some other maneuvering. Seconds count as qualification is timed.....ask me why I think this is important.....three lousy points from a patch.

Will these guys be able to manage the program with the single shots, or do I need to cut down a 10/22 stock to fit them? Is the program laid out where I can cut down one stock and have them share?

You'll want one rifle per shooter. There isn't spare time in the course generally to share a rifle.

The break action would be cumbersome since most shooting will be done prone, but I've had young shooters using the Savage Rascal many times. It's quite accurate and they learn a lot.

Scope or irons are fine, whichever you like best. Honestly, most people bring scopes. Do turn the power down all the way though. You really don't need magnification for this school of shooting and lower magnification will help you learn to call your shot.

Safety and a teachable attitude are the two most important things for a shooter to have at Appleseed. If your kids can do both, they'll be fine. Now, depending on the Shoot Boss and how developed your kids are, your 8 year old may get to be a "designated sniper". ie: shooting off sandbags without a sling. It's just out of an abundance of caution having someone that young with a rifle tied to their arm, especially when we get to standing shooting and transitions. They'll still be able to learn all the other marksmanship fundamentals though.
Of course, that's in Michigan. I've never been to a shoot in Missouri, so get in touch with your local instructors here:

This is the sling you're looking for: You'll want 1.25" swivels, not the standard 1".
Yes, you can find the sling at Midway also.

Full disclosure: if it wasn't apparent already, I'm an Appleseed Shoot Boss in Michigan.
I may be old fashioned, but it is my opinion that a Ruger 10 22, well lubricated and clean, fitted with tech sights and a 1907 (like on a Garand) is a great combination for an Appleseed event.
Agreed! I shot both mine with the 1907 but I learned how to use it beforehand. Glad I did because this is a sling I actually use in the field, versus the chintzy web sling.

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