Are gun shows normally overpriced?

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The ARs I see at Michigan gun shows tend to run $200 to $400 more than the same weapon on GunsAmerica or GunBrokers.
Because they have added costs of the show and those are sold everywhere. Go looking fore something that is not on the cover of every gun rag, and then you'd be surprised what deals can be had - but you had better know what to look for- those deals won't be found on black or plastic stuff
The way I see it, you can find decent deals at our gun shows around here, but you have to know what you are looking for and what its value is, otherwise you can definitely get ripped off. I got my wife's Pink/Stainless TCP732 at a show for $250 out the door brand new, can't find a better deal anywhere, it was a small shop who needed it cleared out Sunday of the show. I also see people charging $100-$200 more than guns are worth, hoping you have no idea what they're worth. Last show I went to, a dealer had a Mossberg 100ATR Night Train with an $800 price tag on it. But it looked tacticool, so some idiot who knows nothing probably bought it.

To me, the most fun part of the gun show is being able to see everything in person and argue with vendors that tell you a chinese made gun is made in Turkey. The scenery wandering around them here doesn't hurt either. My wife wouldn't agree with that assessment.
Because they have added costs of the show and those are sold everywhere. Go looking fore something that is not on the cover of every gun rag, and then you'd be surprised what deals can be had - but you had better know what to look for- those deals won't be found on black or plastic stuff
+1 I'd never go looking for the flavor of the day but something classic or different yeah you can still find it even at the small shows.
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