Are guns/ownership more popular today?

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Dec 29, 2002
I was wondering whether you think gun ownership/sport is more popular or accepted now versus several years ago. I was thinking more states are passing concealed handgun license laws (shall issue) with many reciprocal aggreements. Gun sports/competitions are making into television including the extreme outdoor games (espn?). Some of this might be a skewed view since I moved from California to Texas 9 years ago. What do ya'all think? :confused:
I think the internet has done more for gun owners/ownership then any other thing. The internest has brought many "fringe" groups together and shown many people how to go about getting involved in things that seem daunting at first, whether it is shooting or engine building or computer repair.

So yes I would say it is more accepted and that the pendulum may not be swinging back but I think it has stopped swinging away for the moment.

I don't think it's a question pf acceptance or popularity, more that we're being more obvious about it, or maybe not trying to hide it as much, now that the gun grabbers are losing ground. A lot depends on where you live...if you think it's 'flaunted' in Texas you should see Arkansas!
I think nothing has really changed. It's just that the internet has shown what has always just been local to now be world wide.
Among my generation, 18-24 year olds, I think it isn't very popular. Among the older generations I think it is more widely accepted. This is all just my opinion.
Getting more popular. In the past, many people owned guns the same way they owned radios or appliances. Now more own them as a deliberate choice reflective of their values.
In my 32 years I have seen things change. I would say that it is more popular today than ten years ago, but less popular than 30 years in the past.

I think that what we are seeing is a reversal in a long term trend against guns. What we have to do is put the best immage possible on the sport, countering the liberal media, and properly represent responsible gun owners.

Also, take a novice shoooting! Get others who have never experienced sport shooting to the range. It is the right thing to do.
I cant say if it is or isnt more popular than it has been, as I am just a 21 year old kid. That being said, though, I meet more and more gun people everyday. People I work with, associate with, and go to church with. People who I either didnt know or didnt know were gunaholics.
Perfessor had a point. It is flaunted a bit up here. I am constantly carring guns to and from the car and have never got a second look from neighbors or passers-by. I am willing to bet most of them have guns,too. ;)
I agree that the shooting sports are being rediscovered, just as bicycles, kayaks and a lot of other great sports are enjoying a resurgence. These pursuits do wonders for our physical and mental health, and meet some very basic needs of the human psyche. It's OK to be human and make loud noises and occasionally feel the need to blow things up (safely, of course).

When we went to school, we learned about a perfect world that never existed. When we emerged, we realized that we weren't perfect, our teachers weren't perfect, and that it was up to us to find our way.

Thanks to everyone who helps demonstrate that we are not a bunch of knuckle-dragging neanderthals, but regular folks who enjoy the rare combination of opportunity and curiosity to test their shooting skills.
There are regional variations I expect but nationwide it would appear that 9/11 and probably the internet too - have led to an increase, in sales anyways.

I doubt the numbers of active shooters has increased significantly - maybe it has even dropped off a bit but I'll bet that, let's say, the numbers of homes with at least one gun for HD has gone up appreciably.

If the NRA basic courses I coach on are anything to go by - there is gratifying interest from many new or potential new guns owners - and following that is interest too in following up basic with the Personal Protection course.

I would however like to see more in their 20's getting into it - this is a good time to start if earlier experience not been gained from parents.
I think more popular as well, or at least a typical gun owner owns more guns these days.
I'd have to agree. At least in my experience, years ago when asked if you owned a gun, it was usually just that, a gun. Now when the answer is in the affirmative, it's usually with a several added.
offhand, it seems like gun ownership is going up, but hunting, sport shooting, etc are going down.

perhaps not going down, but the avg age of those sports is going up. call me crazy but i think the 15-35 demographic would rather shoot guns in video games than real ones
Getting more popular. In the past, many people owned guns the same way they owned radios or appliances. Now more own them as a deliberate choice reflective of their values.
I think Oleg summed it up very well.

I'll add that I think that gun information is much more widely disseminated now than ever before thanks to the internet, television, and a plethora of gun magazines. Which means that anyone who is interested can easily find all the information about guns he wants.

Also, the firearms and accessories manufacturers are much more in touch with what their customers want. Think about the huge variety of guns and accessories available today. The choices weren't available 10 or 20 years ago.
I think we are seeing a shift towards more interest in guns, gun ownership, and shooting sports.

I know it's not as cool, but a LOT of people are into paintball and airsoft. It was mentioned above that the 15-34 age group would rather shoot guns on video games than at a range. They ARE shooting at ranges, just not at gun ranges. Paintball and airsoft competitions instead.

In my time in college, gun talk went from being virtually non-existant (1999) to being fairly common (2004).

Now when I go back to visit my fiance I wind up talking to people about their kills during dear season.

I have a great deal of hope for the gunner hobbiests (that's what I call myself), who enjoy anything from popping soda cans and punching paper, to hard core CQB drills, IPSC, IDPA, Bullseye, and long range rifle.

I firmly believe the shooting sports are making a come back. A lot of that is due to people just plain talking about it, and getting active. I think we're on the offensive and the pendulum is swinging back in our direction.
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