Are Liberals genetic mutants?

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Nov 11, 2004
I have debated/argued with many liberals on the subject of gun rights, as well as other political issues, and have wondered why they hold to their beliefs so steadfast, despite obvious flaws in their logic. It seems that logic has little to do with their beliefs. It is almost as if they are pre-disposed to believe in their point of view and that it is against their very essence to consider otherwise.

I have heard many times people commenting on how liberals simply would not survive a hundred years ago, and that they can only exist in the present nanny-state. This has got me thinking; are liberals a genetic mutation?

If someone were genitcally pre-disposed to certain types of thought that made them less likely to survive and propagate, Darwin says that they would die off. Such was the case for liberals for hundreds of years. However, now we have a society where such traits are no longer a handicap. People who are pre-disposed to a helplessness ideology are everywhere. Could it be in their genes?

Many species have been known to evolve to the point of self-destruction. For example, many dinosaurs got larger and larger over the centuries, as this was advantageous against preditors. But when they became too large, a drought and famine destroyed the entire species.

Will this be our fate too?
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