Are you a Democrat or Republican

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Tommy Gunn

Mar 15, 2003
The Windy City
1) What is your personal income level? Is it:

- Too much!
- Not enough money, but any more would make me evil.
- Whatever the government lets me keep.
- Money is a tool of the capitalistic overclass which etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
- I have no income. I've rejected money and illegally inhabit a national park.

2) Describe your family:

- I'm married with three kids. Oh, and a live-in transsexual who joins us in our orgies.
- The rules of the commune prohibit disclosing personal information.
- I don't believe in families.
- I don't believe in the word "describe."

3) What is the most politically incorrect thing about Scooby Doo?

- Daphne never does anything but stand around and look pretty.
- Scooby was never referred to as a Canine-American.
- Velma is such a lesbian stereotype.
- Shaggy never shares his marijuana.
- "Scooby Snack" reward system encourages mass consumption.
- Criminals are actually put in prison.

4) There's this weird drunk hanging out in front of your home. Do

- Give him two bucks and think highly of
- Direct him to a government agency that will help him.
- Start a government agency that will help him.
- Respect his personal choice.
- Give Senator Kennedy a ride home.

5) I'm against school vouchers because...

- Bad teachers need jobs too!
- The NEA is against it and a labor union certainly wouldn't do
anything in its own interest.
- A monopoly always yields better results than competition.

6) Bill Clinton's Welfare Reform Policy was:

- A document with "GOP" scribbled out & "Bill's" written in with a
fat purple magic marker.
- "It's a trap that discourages work & rewards illegitimacy and we're
keeping it."
- What would you like it to be?
- What time is it?

7) Bill Clinton's Official Drug Policy was:

- Whatever the Republicans are currently working on.
- A new poster: "Don't Be A Shaggy; Share Your Drugs!"
- White House aides using drugs won't be allowed to work unless
they're Democrats.
- "Just say no to inhaling!"
- What would you like it to be?
- What time is it?

8) Why do you admire Hillary Clinton?

- Anyone who can make $100K without knowing cattle futures deserves admiring.
- The only dead people I can conjure up are Paul Lynde and Redd Foxx.
- If only I could lie so convincingly!
- Hey! She puts up with Bill! Give her some credit.
- We need more strong, intelligent women in prison.

9) What would Bill Clinton have to do for you to not vote for him?

- Develop a big ugly eyestalk in the middle of his forehead.
- Appear in a remake of "Bedtime for Bonzo."
- Claim to be "more famous than JFK!"
- Wear a t-shirt showing a bullet-riddled Snoopy.
- Join the Republican party.

10) If Bill and Hillary discovered _________ in Chelsea's room, they would disown her. ONLY ONE ANSWER IS CORRECT.

- Condoms.
- Marijuana.
- Cocaine.
- A videotape with a note: "It was fun! Here's a copy--Rob Lowe"
- An antique German lampshade with a registration tattoo on it.
- "The Way Things Oughta Be" by Rush Limbaugh.

11) Al Gore's dynamic speech pattern makes him an excellent choice
for the position of:

- Vice President.
- President.
- Governor.
- Senator.
- Environmental spokesman.
- TalkieToy Robot recorded voice.
- Kindergarten teacher.

12) Bill Clinton strongly believes in:

- Bill Clinton.
- Bill Clinton.
- Bill Clinton.
- Bill Clinton.

13) There is a logical, believable way that missing Whitewater
documents showed up in the White House reading room that adjoins
Hillary's office after the administration claimed to have handed over all relevant documents:

- They were being used to line Sock's box.
- Time-traveling KGB spies plotting to avenge the fall of communism.
- They had been blank sheets of paper until Bill spilled lemon juice
on them.
- That rascally David Copperfield again!
- Hillary had them.

SCORING: None. IF you think this is a humor page, you're a
Republican. IF you had a hard time picking the best answer because
they're all so true, you're a Democrat.
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1) Do you believe there should be mandatory teacher-led prayer in public schools?

A) Yes.
B) No.
C) Public schools?

2) Do you prefer a flat or graduated federal income tax?

A) Flat.
B) Graduated.
C) Income tax?

3) Should the government issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples?

A) No.
B) Yes.
C) Government marriage licenses?

;) :D
I'm with Tamara, I'm a REAL Democrat:

Known these days as a Libertarian!

Edit: The Republicans were the ORIGINAL big-government, mind-everyone's-business, prohibitionist, Pwogwessive, foreign-intervening party! (AND they shot out one of my Great-Grandpa's eyeballs at Chancellorsville!)
SCORING: None. IF you think this is a humor page, you're a Republican. IF you had a hard time picking the best answer because they're all so true, you're a Democrat.
IMHO, if this list of possible answers are representative of what you actually think the vast majority of Democrats support, then you need to do some research on Democratic policy. You are attacking straw men.

Straw Man
The author attacks an argument which is different from, and usually weaker than, the opposition's best argument.

(i) People who opposed the Charlottown Accord probably just wanted Quebec to separate. But we want Quebec to stay in Canada.
(ii) We should have conscription. People don't want to enter the military because they find it an inconvenience. But they should realize that there are more important things than convenience.
OK, how do you score it if the Zen of reading it brings to mind a total ennui, mourning the decline of Western civilization? Have I transcended the concept of Party? :rolleyes:
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