Are you addicted to this site????

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Dec 25, 2002
Northern Indiana
I find myself coming home, and the first thing I do is flip on the lap-top and see what's new...

usually before anything else

if I can't sleep at night, I'll log onto see what losers don't have a life (then I see my name in the "users on this forum" section)

do you take "time-off" at work???

neglect important things (like yard work, honey-do's, etc)???

have a nagging, burning desire to make sure everyone gets the correct answer to life's most important question???
Not really...

Well, maybe just a little. The luster is starting to fade off the new pad a wee bit as well.

. . Slowly transitioning into read only mode; with an occasional post every now and then. ;)
Sort of, but there isn't enough going on in terms of new posts to keep me connected for long stretches.

Now on the other hand has such a fast new thread generation rate that I'm ALWAYS reading from that site when I'm online, in addition to whatever else I'm doing.
Hi. My name is Sisco and I'm a THR junkie.
My morning routine:
Get out of bed, start the computer. Start a pot of coffee, go outside & have a smoke. By the time I come back in the coffee's done and the computer is booted up, check THL & 1911forum. Get ready for work.
The rest of the day I stop by the computer once an hour or so and check new posts.
I could say away from the forum but I see no reason why. I have not a thing else to do other than over-clean my M48A. ;)
well considering i have nothing else to do at all at work when im answering the phones.....
then my other forums i go to are slow...and one i cant get on anymore stupid ip route is fubard....

so yea :D
I DO NOT have a High Road Problem.

I DO NOT have a High Road Problem.

I DO NOT have a High Road Problem.

Am I in denial?

Yes and No.

I dont run home to this sight but when Im online I always drop in after I am done checking email.

So maybe I am a little hooked.;)
If I was addicted to this site, I'd be doing stupid loser stuff like posting at 12:40 in the AM on a Saturday.

Oh, wait... :uhoh:
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