ARIZONA gun laws and life in AZ?

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Fact: In Arizona, for car carry, it cannot be considered concealed no matter where you put it as long as it is stored in a case.

Fact: In Arizona, a holster is considered the same as a case.

In other words, you may case the firearm (via a holster or other means) and put it anywhere in your vehicle. The rules regarding concealed or accessible firearms in vehicles go out the window when the firearm is "cased".
I love AZ, yes the weather is hot for four months, but perfect the rest of the time. LE pays real good here but is real competitive to get into right now. I travel the USA for work and I think AZ is one of the greatest areas I have been to. Housing is also very reasonable right now.
Unfortunately, the rest of our laws are becoming increasingly fascistic by the year. If it weren't for the fact that I have family here, I'd have have moved to Montana a long time ago.

I'm from Montana, although I've lived in a few other states due to the Navy and Marines, and have settled on AZ or Utah as my choices for living when I get out of the military.
I can attest that there are plenty of big-city mentallity Californians and Seattle-ites that have moved into western MT and are imposing the same laws that they claimed they wanted away from. So eastern MT towns are the place to be if you move up there.
I can attest that there are plenty of big-city mentallity Californians and Seattle-ites that have moved into western MT and are imposing the same laws that they claimed they wanted away from.

The problem in Arizona is not so much left-wing fascism as right-wing-fascism. The neocon creeps who've hijacked the Republican party want to mess with our lives just as much as liberals do, only in different ways.
i lived in arizona for a few years as a young kid. if your comfortable with open carry laws then i wouldn't see a problem .

arizona is a wonderful place in the winter. 70 degrees and no humidity ! feels great.

there are TONS of places in AZ to look for jobs. i would say do it. arizona was one of the best places i ever lived.
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