Arizona Meet and Greet - Clint Wells/Happy Jack

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Feb 24, 2008
Mesa, AZ
Squirrel season starts this Friday the 29th. I'll very likely be going. For me it'll be a single shot hunt using my Steven's Favorite or Hopkins and Allen 922 Falling block. Side arm will be a Stevens model 35 tip up 22. I'm going to meet my buddy Saturday morning after the morning hunt to show off and shoot some of our new acquisitions. Maybe I'll sleep in. He doesn't hunt squirrel.

Would any members here like to join us for a meet and greet Saturday morning?

I'd set up camp at the developed Clints Wells campground on Lake Mary road just as you turn off of 87 and we'd meet there about 9:30 or so. I'll be hunting in 6A less than a half mile north of the campsite. FYI - Clints Well is on top of the rim north of Payson/Strawberry/Pine.

Nothing formal, kinda play it by ear. . I'll be bringing my S&W Double Actions and maybe some other unique things.

Just a thought.
It's 2 hours for me. But it gets me out from underfoot.

This is going to be an interesting hunt. I'll be shooting left-handed as I recently lost usable Vision in my right eye. I tried one day of dove hunting, and that was totally unsuccessful. But I'm pretty much a spaz left-handed and never could shoot a shotgun left-handed. When I competed in service rifle I shot left-handed. Reloads were a little difficult but my left eye was always my best eye. Well, until the stroke took about 30% of that vision.
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