Armed home invasion attempt...

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Oct 14, 2008
I had a good friends handgun at my house for a few years.
One night recently he called me up and said he felt like bringing it home, and doing some shooting again soon at the club.
This is where it got interesting (without giving details because there are a few court cases involving a few people who tried to come after him that night). A few days later John survived a home invasion with the intent to kill him, involving 3 suspects.
My friend (we will call him John) was getting ready to go to a sporting event one of his kids was involved in. As John was standing in his house putting his wallet in his pocket, cellphone, and car keys, he was going to secure his handgun (which was laying in plain view on a table).
Through his front door walks a young lady he met in a store about 6 months before whom had problems with her boyfriend at the time they first met. Keep in mind John and this woman spoke in the store for only a few minutes, the woman asked for his cellphone number and she called him twice, he didnt call her at all.
He told the woman that he was leaving to go somewhere, she mumbled a bit about waiting for a phone call from her a family member.
He told her that he was never interested in her in the first place, she has her own problems and a boyfriend or exboyfriend as he remembered, and that he has a girlfriend.
This woman walked through his house to his one door, and cracked it open at 8:30pm (on the other end of the house from him) then ran out the front door past him mumbling something about her family member calling her on the phone, yet she had no phone call, she was instead sending a text message.
Right away John locked the front door as he saw her running up the street, he ran to the side door and felt cold air coming in, closed it carefully.
Just then a dark figure walked slowly past the door and into his backyard (the guy didnt see the side door his girlfriend opened because of its location and it being dark). The the motion sensor light came on in the backyard over Johns back door which was locked and John stepped out (without his handgun).
As John stepped around the corner he crunched some snow and startled the intruder who sun around and raised a large stainless steel handgun,he verbally threatened to kill John.
John turned and ran into his house locking the door, as the deadbolt clicked the intruder slammed into the door at full speed cracking wood in the steel door.
John grabbed his handgun, hid in the middle of the house and called 911, he was on the phone with one of the the police responding as (he found out later) 2 assailants tried to smash down both doors on his house for several minutes. Both male assailants, and the woman fled the scene 2 were captured a few days later during a raid at another residence in another city, unrelated circumstance, they just happened to be there.
5 marked police cars, a special unit van, a K-9 unit, and multiple other police units arrived and searched the neighborhood.
Weeks later he found out that there is one of the 2 guys (unidentified by name yet) still on the loose.
This was a case of a jealous, crazed boyfriend who thought something was going on between his (at the time ex girlfriend) and John, who never did more than talk casually with the woman for a few minutes 3 times, 2 of these times she called him.
Keep in mind this is the second jealous ex boyfriend that tried to kill him in the last few years. At least the last one he was in a relationsgip with the woman at the time, and her ex was stalking the 2 of them for weeks every day. That woman had broke up with the exboyfriend years prior to this happening (worse yet that guy had a current wife I think, and a kid). But this guy tried to hire a hitman, and got caught.
The best part was John didnt have to fire a shot during the attempted home invasion, he wasnt shot, and the only injuries were minor to one of the inner doors, both storm doors were damaged.
This is 2 situations that I never thought Id see happen to John. And in such a quiet safe neighborhood where everyone knows each other. One of these individuals has been in prison now for a few years with around 20-24 years to go. That guy was a law abiding citizen with no official history until that situation, the other guys have extensive criminal histories, one was arrested and bailed out 3 times in the last 4 days before he tried to kill john.
Believe me, I really think this kind of low life criminal is better off dead, but no shots were fired.
I think this situation can serve to demonstrate a good result at least so far.
Not sure if I missed why this is in the Legal section, but good story to pass on.

I have to say... if I walked out my backdoor and someone pointed a gun at me. I would have opened fire instead of turning around and trying to get back in the door. (At least sitting here on the couch I am saying that is what I would of had to do) :)

Your friend was very fortunate.
This was a case of a jealous, crazed boyfriend who thought something was going on between his (at the time ex girlfriend) and John, who never did more than talk casually with the woman for a few minutes 3 times, 2 of these times she called him.

Somehow I don't think "John" is telling you the whole story...

Keep in mind this is the second jealous ex boyfriend that tried to kill him in the last few years.

Yeah, like I said, there's something "John" isn't telling you here.

I'd disassociate myself with someone like "John" who tends to get in trouble with ex-boyfriends, even if "it's never his fault." Feces tends to splatter and hit those nearby. Don't be nearby.
One thing about Johns situation, had the guys managed to break open the door, he would have had a good legal defense on shooting them. I mean he saw a gun, had it pointed at him (which in NC is already using deadly force against you), then attempted to retreat.

So (keeping with the legal aspect of this section), I would think his actions would provide him with good legal defense had it come to him having to shoot one or both of these guys.
Looks like it wasn't a good idea to leave his front door unlocked. Just curious, what kind of sporting event starts at 8:30 - 9:00 PM?
Trebor is right. This "John" talked to this woman 2 times in the store, and suddenly she finds herself in the middle of his house? ***? I smell something fishy :)
Trebor is right. This "John" talked to this woman 2 times in the store, and suddenly she finds herself in the middle of his house? ***? I smell something fishy :)

yeah. Somewhere in that discussion his address MUST have come up. Also, do not know about anyone else, if someone I met once in person and chatted to a couple times on a cell comes flying into my home, I will guarantee you I will send them flying back out.

Maybe the story is abbreviated to protect the innocent, maybe his bud is leaving some small details out. That it has happened twice (the jealous boyfriend thing) tells me he is either hooking up with woman who are still dating/married (NOT a good idea), or he very much needs to change his taste in women.

I had a bud who was an utter train wreck in the women he dated. I mean any of them could have easily had their own episode of Jerry Springer on their issues. he was a good friend but after taking him to the ER for the 3rd time in 2 weeks for garbage related to it, I finally had to cut my losses before I was the one in the ER.
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