Article: Colorado Counties Secede The State?

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Perhaps, but this "camel" has a lot of hurdles to get over before it even gets to Congress for approval for a new state to form out of the counties that want to abandon those around Denver and Boulder.
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Secession didn't work so well for the confederacy. I am emphatic about the need to replace members of the Colorado General Assembly in 2014, but the suggestions that parts of Colorado or Texas or anywhere else in the Union should try and secede is absolutely ridiculous. Don't like the rule of law, feel free to emigrate to Somalia.
Huh, that's actually pretty interesting. For those that don't want to click through without more info: It's not about Colorado seceding from the's about multiple counties within Colorado seceding from Colorado to form a new state, which has happened 5 times in US history, though it's been awhile since the last one.

It would be REALLY interesting to see the fall out in other states if this is successful.
Secession didn't work so well for the confederacy. I am emphatic about the need to replace members of the Colorado General Assembly in 2014, but the suggestions that parts of Colorado or Texas or anywhere else in the Union should try and secede is absolutely ridiculous. Don't like the rule of law, feel free to emigrate to Somalia.

they're not thinking about seceding from the union there pal.....they're talking about seceding from Colorado and forming a new state in the union.

quite frankly i think stuff like this needs to happen more often.....plenty of good states are utterly ruined by the political elite that have support in one major city...

why should an entire state be subject to the will of one city?.....look at Massachusetts, 90% of the state is actually gun friendly, but because of boston and the greater boston area, the entire state sucks.
"Don't like the rule of law, feel free to emigrate to Somalia."

Hmmm, a more pristine inversion of the facts and implications would be hard to fashion, sir.

Rule of law is most in tatters precisely in the urban areas that are the problem. Where are the "sanctuary cities" - and what, exactly, are they a sanctuary from? Just one example. When a constitution is redefined, capriciously and indefensibly, out of existence - as has already occurred for large parts of the US Const. - who exactly is introducing "lawlessness" and who is upholding "rule of law"?

Are the chaos and "traditional" (local strongman and clan) rule of Somalia more closely replicated by a gun-friendly CO county, or parts of Denver? (not that even the latter would come that close, but you are the one who chose the comparison)

Further, "rule of law" includes lawfully changing things. It doesn't mean submitting quietly to the actual lawlessness of the degraded "elites" and their mindless supporters in urban areas. Why is there a "West" Virginia? States haves split before.

All sort of off-topic, but not really. Seems unlikely any counties anywhere will secede over these or other issues.
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The chance of it happening is about zip, but that ain't what's important.
Those Colorado counties fed up with the status quo need all the support and exposure they can get.
All over the country people are getting fed up with powerful political machines controlling their lives for the benefit of a few large cities.
The more groups express their plight and outrage in such civil actions the sooner the chance of getting the ruling elite out of their positions of power.
Don't like the rule of law, feel free to emigrate to Somalia.

There is nothing against the rule of law in forming a new state out of parts of an existing state. It just has to be done in the approved manner.

It is provided for explicitly in the constitution:

Article. IV. Section. 3.
New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
I like what the Colorado Sheriffs are doing with their petition - this adds an additional layer. We *have* to let those who pass these asinine laws know that we are sick and tired of these types of stunts (that we all know does nothing but punish law abiding citizens)

Whether it works or not I say kudos to these counties for doing something other than complaining. I hope this type of momentum carries into the next election, it would be great to watch all those who voted for these gun laws give interviews on why they lost.

I am keeping my letter from my local congress lady, her response to me pleading with her not to side with the anti-2A monsters. This is it:


I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I have supported all the gun safety bills.


I hope to send that back to her with a 'Thank You' reply and a nice smiley face when she is KICKED OUT of office!
I LIKE IT! I have friends in CO that will probably be in the new state. I could not be happier for them. Remember "West" Virginia, and how it came about?
Heck most of Colorado counties could easily shed off to Utah, NM, WY, AZ, KS, NE and just leave the front range population centers to eat each other alive. I'm in, where do I vote.
Secession didn't work so well for the confederacy. I am emphatic about the need to replace members of the Colorado General Assembly in 2014, but the suggestions that parts of Colorado or Texas or anywhere else in the Union should try and secede is absolutely ridiculous. Don't like the rule of law, feel free to emigrate to Somalia.
What didn't work 150 years ago, doesn't mean it won't work now. Besides it would be for better reasons now too.
As a practical matter Colorado counties actually seceding is at this point and time unlikely, but the fact it's even been suggested is going to give one party and the legislators in it a serious case of heartburn. New York City's Mayor Bloomberg may not have enough money to turn things around before 2014. :evil:
quite frankly i think stuff like this needs to happen more often.....plenty of good states are utterly ruined by the political elite that have support in one major city...

why should an entire state be subject to the will of one city?.....look at Massachusetts, 90% of the state is actually gun friendly, but because of boston and the greater boston area, the entire state sucks.

Very true. Same deal with NY...6 million upstate residents, most of which live in rural areas, dictated to by downstate liberals. Too bad upstate NY relies so heavily on downstate tax dollars, or they could try to go the same route as these folks in northern CO.
A big reason the CO counties are even discussing this is resources, gas and oil are plentiful and beyond that they are agriculture based all of which is under attack in Denver. NYS has some recently discovered resources as well and Albany is trying to strangle that from what I here so both places have much in common. Big thing that needs to be overcome is rural Americas dependency on gov subsidies, we give up more than we get.
Very true. Same deal with NY...6 million upstate residents, most of which live in rural areas, dictated to by downstate liberals. Too bad upstate NY relies so heavily on downstate tax dollars, or they could try to go the same route as these folks in northern CO.
Perhaps they should. Sure you loose the tax dollars. Then again you don't have to pay to support all the welfare programs and other nonsense here in the city. Kinda balances itself out. And let NYC sink on it's own.
I live in Douglas Co., CO, just south of Denver. I'd like to see ALL of the counties surrounding Denver and Boulder join this movement, with essentially everyone standing in a circle around Denver and Boulder counties, staring them down. Those two toilets are stinkin' up the rest of the state.
CO is a beautiful state. Not to mention all the hunting activities as well as recreational stuff. I totally understand why people wont just up and move to let the antis have it.
Secession worked for west Virginia seceding from the confederate state of Virginia.

Counties of a former territory forming a new state on political lines is not the same scenario as a state seceding from the Union. It is closer to counties splitting over practical government lines (Mingo formed from Logan county along a ridgeline

Texas could easily make five states (four new), California three (two new), with a new Colorado we'd have that magic 57 varieties.
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