Article: Colorado Counties Secede The State?

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Now that I think of it Illinois could do the same thing, just leaving Cook (sorry Crook) county as Illinois and the rest of the state as Southern Illinois or the True Illinois and Cook County as Stink Land. We could save a lot of dollars on not having to build prisons for the rest of the State, and make Crook County just one big jail, after all all the felons are already there in City Hall, or so I think (just an opinion).

CO is a beautiful state. Not to mention all the hunting activities as well as recreational stuff. I totally understand why people wont just up and move to let the antis have it.
I moved here only a few years ago and this is absolutely correct. This state is top-notch. The antis had enough, limit these foolish anti-2A laws to Denver/Boulder and that would be fine, but no, they had to go and do the whole Bloomberg thing and start telling everyone else in the state what's best for them... so now (I hope) it's a fight. I would support any pro-2A candidate that runs for office - send those anti's running back to San Francisco, or wherever they come from.
Add Eastern Washington to the list of states that would like to divide. Maybe we could join Eastern Oregon and not affect the total number of states. Don't know if they hate the "West" side of of Oregon as much as a lot of us hate the West side of Washington. Actually that's unfair to Western Washington, it's really only Pugetropolis that's the problem.
RobNDenver said:
Secession didn't work so well for the confederacy. I am emphatic about the need to replace members of the Colorado General Assembly in 2014, but the suggestions that parts of Colorado or Texas or anywhere else in the Union should try and secede is absolutely ridiculous. Don't like the rule of law, feel free to emigrate to Somalia.

What they are talking about is totally within the law. They're talking about seceding from the state. This has been done by other states in the past (hence why we have a Virginia and a West Virginia). It is not an easy process, but there is a legal process for performing such a maneuver. They aren't saying that "North Colorado" would be its own country, but rather its own state.

And, what in the world does Somalia have to do with this debate?
"Don't like the rule of law, feel free to emigrate to Somalia."

Ability to consistently communicate in Bumber-Sticker slogans keeps 3/4ths of the MSNBC on-air staff their gigs. Possibly a future there.
Where were the representatives of these counties when the state legislature voted on the bills that became law? Secession is a dramatic idea, but the question, where were your legislators when these bills were being voted on and what were they doing to fight them, is important.
why should an entire state be subject to the will of one city?.....look at Massachusetts, 90% of the state is actually gun friendly, but because of boston and the greater boston area, the entire state sucks.
The same could be said for a bunch of Red States, example New York/ NYC and Long Island are the problem there, the only exception is probably Texas, where the Rural Population still vastly outnumbers and outvotes the Population in the large Urban Areas.;)
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As much as I'd love for this to happen - another pro-gun state could possibly be enough to shift the balance - I'm with HSO. If there wasn't enough legislative support to kill these bills, I'm not sure where the legislative support from secession is going to come from.

It's not about them wanting the laws for themselves, it's about control. They can't control you if you leave.
I can't read the minds of those who are fronting this idea but either way it needs to be done. A statement needs to be made and the electorate needs to be waken up as well as the politicians.
If the movement passes then the rest of the country can take notice of the perils of gov. run a muck.
I have yet to meet someone here in CO that doesn't say that there needs to be a house cleaning in Denver. Voter apathy may have been cured for a decade or so here, we will see next election if people are really fed up.
Looks like those ridiculous new gun laws were the straws that broke the camels back.

It will go no where, the front range population centers will not allow it to happen.

Some parts (Needles in particular) of western of San Bernardino County has tried several times to secede from CA and become part of AZ, but with no success for same reasons.
Glad they're at least trying. Even if it's a slim chance, hope it works. If it didn't happen in 1820 my home state would still be part of Mass (thank GOD we're not).
hso said:
Where were the representatives of these counties when the state legislature voted on the bills that became law? Secession is a dramatic idea, but the question, where were your legislators when these bills were being voted on and what were they doing to fight them, is important.

And a related question is, if you have the votes to recall anti-2A legislators, how did they get elected in the first place?
Voter remorse?? I think there has been an awakening here in CO. people were to apathetic prior to the last election and ambivalent about some of the social issues while not even considering how far left they might push so the state came under the control of one party who pretty much took full advantage of the opportunity, the big question is will the rage last till the next election and will the electorate hold the newly elected feet to the fire and reverse bad legislation.
It is far from just gun laws that have people up in arms but the gun issue helps as catalyst for much needed reform and national attention.
I think people were sick of the stonewalling of social issues leading to more third party votes. I think Hick said exactly the right thing after Aurora to put us at ease (then made a u-turn after the election). I think that MJ being on the ballot brought lots & lots of the other side out to vote. Everything combined to screw over the 2A.

As for the OP, I'm sure it is just talk.
Add Eastern Washington to the list of states that would like to divide. Maybe we could join Eastern Oregon and not affect the total number of states. Don't know if they hate the "West" side of of Oregon as much as a lot of us hate the West side of Washington. Actually that's unfair to Western Washington, it's really only Pugetropolis that's the problem.

Its the I5 corridor that is screwing up the whole state. Western washington is pretty pro 2a, wherever you are out of the influence of Seattle and associated counties. Clallam county and the Peninsula in particular is very pro hunting and fishing.
Move to Somalia?

Want the government to break the rule of law? Want a government that doesn't represent you? Move to Communist China.

A union is voluntary.
Very true. Same deal with NY...6 million upstate residents, most of which live in rural areas, dictated to by downstate liberals. Too bad upstate NY relies so heavily on downstate tax dollars, or they could try to go the same route as these folks in northern CO.

To some extent, the reason that money is shifted around is that the government overhead is so large due to the downstate mandated programs. If the geography of NY state was different, this may actually have a better chance. I think that if LI residents were left alone in a state with NYC many would be forced to jump on boats to freedom like Cubans.

I am not really sure that residents of states other than Illinois can really understand what it is like to live in a state with an unnatural cultural boundary. Hamilton county and midtown Manhattan could be on different sides of the earth and not be more different culturally than they are now.

I say the best of luck to North Colorado, as a native upstate NY resident I would support them in any way that I could.
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