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Aug 5, 2004
Northwest Indiana
I have been lurking here off and on for a long time. I have always had a love-hate relationship with guns-even though I never owned any until I was an adult, and even then did not get to shoot much. The hate part of the relationship started when I became an LEO at age 28. I started to hate them because qualifying was a terrible terrible time for me. I was stressed out every time qualifications came around. My shots would be all over the target if they hit at all. I even had to do remedial training one year. (I felt completely humiliated and was even scared that I would lose my job.):(

Through out my life I had always suffered headaches. They started getting worse-especially on the afternoon shift. My wife made me go see an eye doctor. The eye doctor was also on a research board for migraines and diagnosed me with migraine headaches. She prescribed glasses to help with a slight astigmatism, near (or is it far?:confused:) sightedness and for glare. I was told that I only needed glasses for driving and reading. In fact my prescription is so slight that I cannot even get contacts.

Now did I wear my new glasses to shoot? No, not me. I could see fine without them, I wasn't reading or driving so I wore sun/safety glasses.:banghead::banghead::banghead:.

Well due to being in several accidents (was rear ended a few times), my headaches got worse. I could not stand light at all and the meds. I was on increased my light sensitivity.

Back to the eye doctor. I asked for some Nike sports contacts (Yellow-they work like blue blockers.) They made my eyes look demonic according to the Doc. and my wife and the Doc. would not even consider selling them to me as she knew I was going to use them for everyday wear. She suggested a new type of eyeglass lens called Driverwear. These lenses are always tinted-which would help with florescent lights and will get even darker in sunlight, even behind a windshield. They are also polarized.

Time to qualify and since my Driverwear are plastic and the lenses are large enough to protect my eyes from damage, (I wanted big lenses to block as much light as possible.) I decided to wear my new glasses instead of regular safety glasses. I shot the best I ever have. Every shot was in the black and accounted for. Before, by the end of the qualifying round at 15 and 25 yards, I struggled to keep the front sight in focus. I was told to slow down my breathing, I did and it never worked. (Not one instructor could figure out what I was doing wrong and through the stress etc. I started to develop a terrible flinch. :banghead::fire:) I could always see the front sight "Yeah Sarge I'm focusing on the front sight", but until I wore these glasses I could not make the front sight come into sharp clear focus and the rear sights blurry. My eyes always wanted to focus on the rear sight no matter what I did. (My reaction was "Oh, that's what front sight focus is.)

Did anybody ever suggest glasses? No. Do I suggest glasses to others who just cant' figure out what's wrong? Yes. I don't need glasses to function, in fact as I stated, my prescription is so slight that I can't even get contacts. Do I need them to focus on-not just see-my front sight, yes I do. The front sight just seems to be in the area I can not bring into clear focus without my glasses on.

Is shooting fun now-You Bet. :D:D:D:D:D:D
From experience my headaches are MUCH worse if my prescription needs updated then if I just take my contacts completely off. Pretty much decided if your vision is a little off your eyes constantly try to adjust and that causes headaches. If your vision is really really off focus your eyes just give up and don't even bother trying to headaches!...course if your vision becomes as bad as mine no driving either :)

Far as shooting goes I've never really had a problem with or without my glasses on. My cross dominance causes me more problems then my near-sightedness and astigmatism.
migraines... I understand. And don't let those go untreated, m'kay?

Being able to see the front sight, what a wonderful thing!
I see my Dr. from every other week when it is bad to every 3 months when I am ok. (Usually see him every 3-4wks as I suffer CDH in addition to migraine.)
I'm happy things are getting better for you. Do you wear your glasses all the time, or only when you think you "need" them? If it's only some of the time, you might not be doing yourself a favor. Astigmatism causes a type of distortion that might contribute to your headaches even when you are not aware of a vision problem. I'm not a doc, of course, so be sure you follow your doc's advice about wearing your glasses. Good luck.

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