ATF at Gunshows

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I find this thread amusing because back in the early 90s I worked for a gun shop in the Midwest and we set up at a lot of shows in our home State. There were usually 2 or 3 ATF agents walking around trying to trick dealers into illegal sales. As soon as they came into the hall all of the dealers who knew who they were would be passing the word around with a detailed description of their clothes and hair color and height etc. It was really quite comical because within 10 minutes of their arrival no one would even speak to them or answer any questions. It was fun trying to spot them. After about an hour or so they would leave. I have never seen a show where they had an ATF table set up to answer questions. They thought they were sneaky but were totally ineffective. Our tax dollars at work.
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Based on what I've heard over the last 20 years, perhaps these guys are finally just there to learn something from knowledgeable gun culture folks.
"Wait, you're saying that a SEMI auto isn't the same as an auto???"
I've had them with a table set up just inside the door of a couple of small local gun shows. The ones working the tables were always nice and willing to answer questions. One time I even got one of to bust up laughing when I asked if there was any chance if the machine registry would ever be reopened.
One time I even got one of to bust up laughing when I asked if there was any chance if the machine registry would ever be reopened.

Personally, I find it disgusting he should laugh at a very obvious infringement of my Constitutional rights. Typical response from one of the elite.
One time I even got one of to bust up laughing when I asked if there was any chance if the machine registry would ever be reopened.

Personally, I find it disgusting he should laugh at a very obvious infringement of my Constitutional rights. Typical response from one of the elite.
Funny, but I bust up laughing when someone asks me a silly question as well.
That ATF IOI one of "the elite"?...........doubtful. He has to follow the same regs as we nonelite folks. He also knows the chances of the registry being opened are equal to George Zimmerman becoming a spokesman for Skittles.
ATF has nothing to do with the reopening of the registry, that would require an act of Congress.
ATF has nothing to do with the reopening of the registry

The ATF is a totalitarian, anti Constitution bureaucratic entity that is the bane of freedom. They are also corrupt and insidious.

Try not to be so obtuse. The ATF needs to be eliminated and their puppets, of which you so highly speak, imprisoned for long, healthy terms.
ATF has nothing to do with the reopening of the registry

The ATF is a totalitarian, anti Constitution bureaucratic entity that is the bane of freedom. They are also corrupt and insidious.

Try not to be so obtuse. The ATF needs to be eliminated and their puppets, of which you so highly speak, imprisoned for long, healthy terms.
ATF is bad? Whoodathunkit?

Im so glad you added such brilliance to the discussion, but Ive read better ATF putdowns from a third grader.
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