Attacked in the restroom.

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when you're locked up and you have to sit on the toilet, you always take one leg out of your pants while seated so you can stand up, fight and move if you're attacked.
Thanks for the visual.... :neener:
I would turn around quickly....

And the bad guy would feel like he was hit by a tree trunk. All kidding aside, use a stall or come back when the restroom is empty. You can't cover all situations all the time. Don't worry too much about it.
look down shake your head and say "Dangit mini me interupted agian" and then turn around and inform them mini me angers easily
If for some crazy reason i was using a urinal, i'd tun and piss on them, while giving them my boot to the kneecap, and drawing my knife and slicing them to ribbons. Oh yea, make sure to cover your parts with your off hand when you draw your knife.

In a stall (i ALWAYS use a stall, because i don't like whipping out my... gun in the middle of a room. and the backsplash issue.), if the door opened inward, i'd just push back and shove them away. then i'd decide from there. if the door opened outward, i'd probably piss on them and again, decide from there.

This isn't paranoia, BTW. Muggers frequently time their attacks in this manner, and brutal beatings or killings in the restroom are NOT uncommon at all. The best defense? Avoid using the urinal.
So what about us ladies? Obviously we don't have the urinal dilema, but we are completely stuck with our pants around our ankles regardless. The "turn and pee on them"... well... I let my imagination run on that visual... :what: I can't even count the number of times I have gotten the stall that doesn't lock, look for one that does and find out that none of them do...
I repeat - take one leg out of your pants and squirrel covers. That way, you can stand and move.:)

yeah biker and get your pants water logged from pissing all over them cause I dont know about you but for me once it starts it don't stop reguardless of what i tell it to do...that and have only one shoe on. Getting pants off over work boots is dang near impossible.

Pee soaked pants and only one shoe on with your longarm hanging out for the world to see...yeah real intimidating picture lol
Nononono....Lupinus. The pants around one ankle thing is only if you have to sit on the throne. :uhoh: It would elicit some pretty funny looks if a guy dropped 'em like that in front of a urinal.:neener:

I repeat - take one leg out of your pants and squirrel covers. That way, you can stand and move

I'm a jeans and sneakers/hiking boots kind of gal - How you do see this working with nylons and high heels?
yeah biker I kinda got that...if you were standing at a urinal with your backside bared to all I think they would just take pitty on you for being a mental case and move along lol.

But sitting on the thrown does sometimes enlist the need to drain oneself.
So what about us ladies?

You gals have an advantage over us guys. When we use a urinal (or the stall for the same job) our backs are turned to the world and if we aren't careful we can be snuck up upon. You are sitting facing out. My suggestion would be if in a carry state, you have to do something with your holstered weapon before dropping trou anyway. Have it in your hand, that way if someone forces their way into the stall the first thing they see is you pointing a gun at them- that will take the aggression out of most people. If you aren't in a carry state, keep a knife handy.
This isn't paranoia, BTW. Muggers frequently time their attacks in this manner, and brutal beatings or killings in the restroom are NOT uncommon at all. The best defense? Avoid using the urinal.

Yep. Usually started by slamming your head into either the pipe on top of the urinal, or the wall. Probably you wouldn't be able to do anything in that case. Best bet is to either go in the stall, as has been said, or if that's impossible for whatever reason, go outside and find a bush.
you always take one leg out of your pants while seated so you can stand up, fight and move if you're attacked.

you always take one leg out of your pants when using a chinese toilet, and be sure to keep your keys, cell phone, and wallet in your office desk while in the john, cause it's a straight downpipe from the floor trench.

had an australian borrow my cell one day and go running into the bathroom in the office building we work in. he dialed his phone, and could hear it down the pipe. i didn't offer to help him get it back.
Oh, yes. The Brutal Bathroom Beating defense.:D Because of Brutal Bathroom Beatings, it is best to buy off or burden your beaters with brawn. Both beaters and beaties will be bemused by brown bombs bolted at them in the event of a BM.

Seriously, Brutal Bathroom Beatings are a real problem in our world and we must all work together to find a cure. Why someone would decide to pick on me when there are much easier targets to choose is beyond me. It hasn't ever happened because predators smell fear and weakness. I am not bragging but they would have to be pretty bold or stupid to attack me. I also do not put myself in stupid positions if I can help it. There have been a time or two when my car broke down in the South side of Chicago that I felt like it may not have gone very well for me but I always got away. Use anything you have to your advantage. Stay in public view and avoid being trapped or cornered.

If you walk into a bathroom that looks like there are people in there that shouldn't be in there, just turn around and walk out. Don't worry about what people will think. I have done this at least once. It always seems to be when I am on vacation or a road trip and not familar with the area. I will pee on the side of the road before I walk into a situation where I feel like prey.
if someone tried to assault me while taking a leak, i would immediatly turn around and share by bodily function with them. I gaurantee that they will move backwards several feet. I dont care how tough they are, they are not expected to get pissed on. that would buy me enough time to use a weapon or flee the scene. I wouldnt care about getting all wet...after all, Id rather pee on myself than die or lose my wallet.
I know of no situation where someone was assaulted in a restroom in a mall or store in my area. While I am always cautious, I really don't worry about using the urinal. I'm more cautious about getting there and leaving if it's down a long corridor in the mall. In that case, I will also check out the restroom to make sure no one is hiding. But that's the exception. Most restrooms are high traffic and BGs don't bother people in them. At least not here.
I love it. I often have that scenario run through my head while @ the urinal

Try to keep aware of your surroundings

put your pistol up front and keep a hand on it.

Dont undo your belt or button/snap... just unzip. that way theres no worry about the pants falling duing your response.

Turn, yell at them in your most intimidating tone, piss on them, draw your piece and go from there.

Its nice to carry a pistol that you can use as a club too, for those colse in moments. Like a makarov or any DA you can hold with your trigger finger BEHIND the trigger. Works great. Or if you carry a snubby, you can hold it exposing the muzzle and butt to hit with.

Have fun.:uhoh:
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