Avoided a counterfeit

That's good info to know, bet most would buy it not knowing. What did the seller say about the knife?

There's some really good counterfeits out there.
I'm not telling her anything about it. Widow... husband's knife. She has no idea what an Al Mar is or even that knives are counterfeited. She won't end up selling it and it will disappear into a tub.
Most likely. If you gave it to me, I would delete the fake markings and use.
I'm not versed on Al Mar. I'd love to see some better pictures of both sides and of the details in question.

On a side note, what quality would it be? I mean... would it be reasonable quality that if you used it, would you not realized because of poor quality that it was a fake?
I got a fake Browning lockback in a trade with some other stuff. It even had the Browning cutout in the blade. I always wondered why it wouldn't hold an edge. I finally looked it up and Browning didn't make it.
On a side note
Welllll, it is supposed to be a new in box unused knife that is a collectable so use is kinda not relevant since most collectors wouldn't use a collectable knife.

Since it is a counterfeit you can't know the quality and, frankly, since it is a fighting knife most people won't be using it for anything that hints at quality. They won't be using it as a working knife so they won't find out about edge retention or sharpening.

The counterfeit manufacturers don't care if it is usable. They typically don't heat treat the blades so that step wont eat into their profit. They usually use the cheapest stainless that won't rust and it may not even be able to be heat treated, but it might hold an edge for a little bit. Saves money. See, they don't care if there are complaints about Al Mar quality since they're thieves. They'll just keep making counterfeits until the market is poisoned.

Those that use the an appropriate steel often skip heat treat as a cost saving even then.

Counterfeits where they try to copy the markings and packaging aren't expected for use if they're copying collectable makes/models. Sebenza knock offs are users copying a using knife and those counterfeiters will use less expensive heat treatable steels like D2 that come close to actual use performance. You'll buy a "Sebenza" from an unscrupulous dealer in a "deal too good to be true". Deals too good to be true usually are. OTOH, the endless supply on Ali and dhGate of Sebenza "clones" are never sold for stupid prices. They're selling working clones for 10 -20 percent of a Chris Reeve Sebenza using cheaper, but serviceable materials. A whole different class of counterfeits.

Then there are the counterfeits of collectable Case knives that are remarking or replacing scales or ... more modern Case knives to sell as more collectable much older knives. That's been going on for a lonnnnggggg time and there are pages and pages on those counterfeits.
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Maybe or maybe not if it is dull or it breaks and the other guy's doesn't have those problems. I've seen improperly sharpened knives slide off a practice dummy and I've seen improperly heat treated ones bend or snap.
The teeth on any fake are usually a tell so check any serration or teeth against good reference knives.
Thanks for the information. I know next to nothing about fakes, other than that they are out there. I always think of fakes as something new made to look old, like a CSA sword or similar. I appreciate the sharing of your knowledge @hso
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something new made to look old, like CSA sword or similar
I've handled several Civil War fakes and theres a whole high end fake Bowie world (the Collins knife is sadly one of those).

There are fake modern knives, fake vintage knives, fake pre war and Civil War and pre Civil War fakes because there's money in them. Some are good fakes, some pretty bad fakes, and some that take skill and knowledge to tell.
Wow, came across this eBay listing of one:
Supposedly real Al Mar SERE.
There are a handful of them and other vintage Al Mars currently on ebay, several on AZCK, a couple on All About Pocket Knives, and I'm sure others elsewhere. Without good enough pics it can be challenging to tell if any are counterfeit.
Because of all of the counterfeiting going on, I only buy expensive things like knives, optics, sunglasses, etc. from dealers.

It’s not that I don’t trust forum members anymore, but maybe they got took and don’t know it.
Learned from Amazon years ago when there were a variety of counterfeits in varying product categories. After that, buying from authorized dealers.