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Mar 22, 2005
First of I am a new gun (handgund) owner of only about 2 months. I took my CWP class last saturday and am waiting my permit in the mail. Since the time of my "rebirth" I have become very aware of the potential or lack of my prepardness against a home invasion. This scares me to think of the vulnarablilty that exsists. I am currently making changes to fix these "open doors."

Is this a normal proccess or am I being a little perranoid? If I am, oh well, my family is too precious to be taking chances with.

What are some things that you all do to secure your homes agains BGs?

Ps. 1st poster here but I have been reading hear for about a month now. I find this sight very informative, and really appreciate the LEO that reply.
Its a normal process.

Before all this you probably never gave such things any real thought, now that you have you can't unthink them.

If you find yourself paralyzed by these fears, or even if after you do a few things to fix up the house and make it more secure you're still gripped by these fears then maybe you need to rethink things a bit and not allow yourself to be controlled by the fear.

But a little fear is healthy as it keeps you alert. :)
I think facing the realities of the ways of the changing a step toward survival, and sainity. Being aware, and making the choice to learn the basics to defend your self and your a wise decision. If all the scum knew that each person was deal with them, nose to nose..... the world would be a different place. Shoot your weapon often, until it become second nature, have your wife, learn along with you.... it is a tool only, how and when and if its used is your responsibility. Learn that your home security begin outside of your home.... with lights, sound doors...and good daily routines...if the door has a lock, and is not locked...then your not paying attention. Most scum, look for the people who are walking blind... without awareness...or focus, your actions, your question, and your decisions....just removed you, from that mass. welcome...your in good, very good company.
I have been living by myself for about 6 months now and went through the same thing. I am still trying to do things to make it better, and more recently have focused on trying to boost my situational awareness while in public. Awareness is something that you have to make a concious effort at but the rewards are very large if you can avoid or prevent a bad situation either in your home or in public.
The paranoid remark I said in my original post was with a little humor. :cool: But that aside, the thought of what could happen is a little scary. Do I dwell on it constantly, do I resemble a mouse on meth in a room full of cats :what: :uhoh: ? No.

Airforceshooter, Yes I do have kids in the house. 3, from 13yrs to 4yrs.
I just brought a handgun safe home today (push botton combination with key override). What good is my firearm if it's in the basement and our rooms are on the main floor? I wouldn't have a chance.

That is what I mean by being more aware. I have a big (90 lbs) black lab in a kennel in the back yard. He would lick anyone that tried to come threw that way ;) But he does have a good (defensive/irritated) bark that starts off in a low growl. It is very different then his normal bark. We always know when the power company is reading the meters.

This weekend I will putting in motion sensors for our lights on the front of the house. Maybe add a light or two???

We have a bay window (that doesn't open) and two sliding glass doors in the back. I have heard that there is a laminate that you can put on them. Not sure what it is or how much it costs???

My wife has been wanting an inside dog for a while now. She wants one of them little yappy (she isn't fond of big dogs) dogs. You know the kind, the ones that sound like you stepped on a childs toy when they bark :rolleyes: I have been resisting the thought. But I told we could get a medium (50-60 Lbs) sized dog. I know that when I go out of town I would feel more comfortable with a dog inside the house. We're thinking about a boxer.
I don't care for longhaired dogs.

Daniel Flory, thanx for the link. It is a good read.

Well, that about sums up my plans. I feel good about the changes I am making to make my home a safe place for my family. After it is complete I will feel good about our situation.

If there are any other little things that I have forgotten post up, I would like to hear about how the rest of you have made your homes safer for you and your loved ones.

Thanx, Tim
No prob Tim. :) If you walk around in Yellow and you feel stressed out, you're probably in Red and not knowing it. Yellow should be a physically relaxed but mentally aware state of mind. Try to cultivate it as your default awareness mode.
G-30: Welcome to THR! Great place. Be aware that sometimes when we make a statement, the grin is not discernable in the e-world, so comments can be misunderstood. No bad on anyone.

I'm not into little yappers either. We have a 100lb tactical black alarm system. Inside. But don't discount the 15-40lb range. Attitude is more important than size. The mutt that bonds with the family and licks everyone can be worse than the proverbial "buzz saw" if a family member is threatened, and the seem to read the "vibes" much better than humans. If my dog won't make up to you, I won't either.

I put Lexan panels inplace of the glass in the basement doors. We live in a relatively safe rural area, but daytime break-ins while we're gone are a possibility. Rest of the house visible by country style neighborhood watch.

Stay safe.
alarm systems come in all sizes...little yappers to large meat eaters. after a dog barks, it becomes YOUR protect all members in the family....the dog included. your mind set, is your awareness...everything else is just a tool of that awareness. learn to see and hear....all changes in outside activity, and in your personal perimeter, real or perceived...the rest is just a responsible way of handing that moment.
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