AWB looks dead...what about hi cap mag ban?

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Tell your congresscritters to look at every bill and think, "Would this have stopped Sandy Hook"?

All of the introduced bills would be a resounding NO!
Actually in New York with the passage of the NY SAFE act the limit currently is 7 rounds.

The other states don't seem to be following suit though and the NRA is already sounding the drumbeat to a court challenge against the law.

Tough times. :(

It kind of pisses me off too, makes me feel like I'm somehow responsible for what Adam Lanza did, or what the Columbine kids did, or what the Aurora shooter did. At least thats how I feel I'm being portrayed by the media.

I honestly can't even watch the major news stations anymore such as CNN, it just makes me too angry. At least when it comes to their coverage of gun rights issues.
There is a bill in Massachusetts proposing a 7-round limit as well.
The AWB is not dead. It might have slowed for a bit but it will raise its ugly head again. It is Feinsteins sole mission in life to get this through again. Hope we can outlast her. The Universal BG checks and Mag limits are very definitely still in the works.
TYeo98 is on the right track.. Keep is simple and keep it rational, not emotional.

Having said that please be more vocal now then ever...... If you want to condem your children to a sheeple life stlye just sit at home on THR and do nothing as usual. Cause a fuss, cause a fight, for god sakes it's what our country was founded on!!!. Do what you will but don't think my letters to other state senators will carry the weight of yours. I can't fight your battles, the sooner we learn this the better we are.
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I wrote two more letters by hand today. Even when you are busy or ill, you can still do a mass email from the NRA or from Ruger.
Keep pressure on!
We are still in the top of the first inning. Second inning starts with the next massacre. This game does not end with the Progessives.

I dont know. I think that this might be more definitive than before, I dont think things could be much worse than the last massacre. If we're able to get things good and quashed than we might actually be safe for a little while. Not that we should be complacent if we win, but there would be much less of a threat. This is the antis big one, if they can't get anything done here, then that should clap a stopper on their capers for a bit.

Thats why its so important that we keep up the pressure. England essentially went down the "ban the guns the crazy person used" path and ended up in the state they're in now.
This is far from over. The anti's are just getting warmed up. The NY Times and Washington Post are keeping the issue front and center. Other Papers and TV/cable shows are keeping the issue front and center also.

There are few ways to battle this push but those few options left to us are powerful.
Letters to advertisers or boycotts will impact them. Getting one of the gun companies to relocate to another state my kill this push outright.

So don't get complacement. Call and mail your reps on a regular basis. Use the old fashion method of a handwritten letter as it carries much more weight than a computer generated form letter.

We are in for the fight of our lives to protect the Bill of Rights.
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I just wrote all of my elected officials AGAIN to let them know their precious careers will be ended should they vote for ANY of this nonsense. Even watered down. If they think they might get FIRED they won't vote for it.
Agree with the others -- ensuring RKBA will be a life-long effort for all of us who care, and for our childrens' lifetimes and beyond. It has only been 20 years in between the last major attempt to infringe and now -- this will certainly not be the last attempt, regardless of how this current batch of proposed legislation turns out.

Semper Vigilans.
I think we need to use Cuomo's 7 round law to showcase that when 10 round limits fail to reduce crime they will go for 7. This is an incredibly important point to show the slippery slope argument to those fence sitters that think 10 is reasonable. Also delicious irony in using one gun law to defeat another gun law
I think we need to use Cuomo's 7 round law to showcase that when 10 round limits fail to reduce crime they will go for 7. This is an incredibly important point to show the slippery slope argument to those fence sitters that think 10 is reasonable. Also delicious irony in using one gun law to defeat another gun law

That's a good point...In a perverse sort of way, we should thank Cuomo for doing us a "favor" (bless his evil, leftist little heart). Using New York gun laws as a bellwether, the leftists can hardly say there is no slippery slope argument in regard to where the limits stop.

Someone link me the obit? :confused:

The AWB seems unlikely to pass as DF & Co. called for a very BROAD definition of AW, both specific models and general features. There's always a possibility for this thing to be more narrowly defined, but I think the polclass got the idea that the effect of the 1994 AWB would look tame in comparison to the effect a 2013 AWB would have on the 2014 and 2016 elections.

The high-capacity ban is more palatable for public consumption. And while it may not gain traction at the Federal level, certain states may have a new fight on their hands wrt state legislative action.

UBC is also appears more palatable for public consumption and probably the one to be most fearful of. After all, if that passes, they would have to require registration, otherwise the UBC would be unenforceable, so the DFs/CSs/CCs of the world would either leave the law on the books as ineffective or they would subsequently attempt to "close the UBC loophole," widening the power of legislation already on the books.

Of course, Reuters' poll suggesting that 90% of the American public is "for," UBC may be as meaningful as the poll results from THR members constituting the poll voting as the population sampling for the American public being against an AWB. ;)
Anyone can introduce any bill they want to in the house. Doesn't mean it is likely to pass, or even make it out of committee. Feinstein has introduced the same AWB dozens of times to congress

No one is saying anyone should be complacent, but at the same time, we should be active and vigilant ALL of the time, not just when there is a crisis in the news.
The thing that makes me red in the face is the fact that Big Sis put out a solicitation for something like 7,000 "Personal Defense Weapons". So the auto Colt is a PDW, but my s/a Colt is somehow an "assault rifle"?? And did any of you catch the coverage for the AL hostage standoff? I heard numerous media references to how the FBI HRT used military tactics and LONG GUNS to secure the little boy. Not AWs or PDWs.... LONG GUNS!!!!! I am in my 20s and am deeply concerned for my generation (for definitely more reasons than one, see "Honey Boo Boo") and my future children.
The thing that makes me red in the face is the fact that Big Sis put out a solicitation for something like 7,000 "Personal Defense Weapons". So the auto Colt is a PDW, but my s/a Colt is somehow an "assault rifle"?? And did any of you catch the coverage for the AL hostage standoff? I heard numerous media references to how the FBI HRT used military tactics and LONG GUNS to secure the little boy. Not AWs or PDWs.... LONG GUNS!!!!! I am in my 20s and am deeply concerned for my generation (for definitely more reasons than one, see "Honey Boo Boo") and my future children.
Yes, I am 54 right now and it is likely I can coast out the rest of the years hopefully with many of our cherished rights intact. Your generation MUST carry the water so to speak. Unfortunately, many in your age group don't see the world the way many of us old dinosaurs do. Truly, you will have an uphill battle.

I wish you and my grandkids the best. Education on the founding principles of this nation is something you should master if you haven't already and educate as many people as you can. The kids today don't understand the concept of freedom, in part because they have never experienced it the way folks my age and older experienced first hand. My goodness, can you imagine buying a shotgun at the age of 16, no background checks and walk out the door the same day? Oh well, life was certainly different and many ways better in the old days.
Alaska444 - while you and those of your generation who support the Second Amendment have my respect, there are a great many in generations older than mine who don't. Many would say "I don't need one of them. You can't hunt with it... what good is it?"

There are also a lot of younger shooters getting into guns today, including many returning veterans in my age bracket. Maybe this whole situation will get them more off the sidelines and into the fight.
Frankly our smartest strategy might be to encourage DiFi to stand on the tabletops and demand that the AWB not be separate from the UBC. Make it all or nothing.

Every Senator in Congress sees the AWB as a poison pill to Democratic control in the next election. So that's got almost no chance of passage in the Senate and is stillborn in the House.

The danger of splitting up smaller pieces is that some of them pass.
I don't consider any weapon ban dead until Feinstein, Schumer, McCarthy and anyone else who would write them out of office. Then I look closely at the replacements.
Frankly our smartest strategy might be to encourage DiFi to stand on the tabletops and demand that the AWB not be separate from the UBC. Make it all or nothing.

Every Senator in Congress sees the AWB as a poison pill to Democratic control in the next election. So that's got almost no chance of passage in the Senate and is stillborn in the House.

The danger of splitting up smaller pieces is that some of them pass.

Interesting idea. I don't yet if i agree or not but that's certainly thought provoking.
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