Back Pocket Carry

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I didn't mean to say it made it worse. He was the Firearms instructor for the department and was excellent with firearms, You know how it is, you run things over in your mind for years about things. The only witness to the actual shooting was the shooter until the neighbors started looking out the windows, then he was already down and the shooter shot the wife.

I just wondered if he tried to get it out or not and it slowed him down. Of course the shooter is in under an insanity plea, and isn't talking.

It was nothing against back pocket carry or not. Sometimes nothing would matter.

@ Saddlebag Preacher: my condolences for the loss of your friend.

On topic: I had a wallet lifted from the right rear pocket of my 501s when I was a kid. I don't carry anything there nowadays that I care too much about losing.

When I carry (read: when I leave the house), I do so with the expectation that there is a very tiny chance I may actually need to use the gun. So, I tend to carry the same gun the same way every time - since I'm nothing if not a creature of habit.

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