Bear Hunting

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Feb 25, 2007
Just curious, but for those of you that hunt bear, do you eat the meat? Please forgive me if this is a stupid question, but I really don't know the amswer. We don't have them around here and I was thinking about booking a black bear hunt sometime within the next three years. Just wondering what they taste like more than anything right now.
Go ahead and eat it, it tastes good. (Blacks that is) Lot of misinformation out there about them. I would try a "dump" bear, but my guess is that they will taste bad. Bears that have eaten a lot or flesh, again I would try but will probably be bad.

I have had "good" bear (ate mostly vegatation) and it ranged from acceptable, to good, to very good. All I can say is that it tastes sweet compare to other animal, but can't really think of anything that would compare in taste. Also, remove every possible speck of fat of the meat before it is cooked as it will ruin the flavor.
To greasy for me. Kinda like meat marinated in vaseline, even after it's been rendered three times. NMG&F doesn't require you to keep the meat. But it doesn't go to waste either way because dogs like it.
Get it cleaned and cooled down as quickly as you can and it'll taste just fine. Makes a great stew by the way, so if there's any hunting clubs around that have game dinners you might want to donate some to them.. Just be sure you cook it well done like pork. Otherwise you may get tryginosis. Not sure if I spelled that right and I'm too lazy to look it up.
Bear meat is great. Just remember these simple rules.

1. Try for a younger bear, if its to eat. Try for one over bait. (I use sweets) What the bear eats changes its taste a lot.

2. Gut and wash it internally immediately. Pack the internal cavity and around the bear with lots of ice. (about 15 bags or so, and if its in the back of the truck put ice under the carcass also. This cools the fat so that it doesn't seep into the meat and spoil the taste.

3. As soon as you can, skin and butcher. No hanging time for your bear. (This is just the opposite of most game such as deer) Make sure that you get rid of all that fat. This is what makes it taste strong, gamey and bad.

4. Freeze just as soon as its wrapped. The faster the better.

5. Cut your meat for use in stews, boiled dinners etc. For our tastes they aren't as good on the grill or fried in a pan.

6. When cooking freshen about three times prior to cooking. (Freshening is when you put in in a pot of water, bring to a boil, then empty out the old water, refill the pot and do it again. this takes away a lot of that gamey taste.)
7. Cook with veggies like you would pork or beef. It's just like range beef, or Buffalo. We enjoy fooling our guests then telling them what they've eaten when the meal is done. Many of our friends are astounded by how tasty it is. No one has barfed yet!!!

Whatever you do, don't ride your bear around and show everybody before you take care of it. This sure to spoil the taste.

Bon Apetite (hope it spelled this right)
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