Bear Hunting

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Jan 26, 2009
San Antonio, Tx
What is the point? I've never been hunting. I would like to however I've never had the opportunity. I understand deer hunting(at least when it comes to guys who stalk them to some degree. I never really understood setting up a stand and feeder and TONS of Patients to be hunting but that's annother argument)(and again I've never done it so this is simply opinion from afar not experience and I understand and admit that) for instance you get a bunch of meat, a nice rack for your wal and the thrill of the hunt. I do not however understand Bear hunting I see the thrill of the hunt, It surely makes for a great rug and conversation piece in the living room but do people eat bear? Is it any good? It just seems to me that it's unnecessary. I may be mistaken There may be wildlife management aspects to it or something else long those lines.

Fill me in guys I'm not trying to say that people who do it are evil I just don't understand the point. Also what's the point of lion, bobcat, elephant or whatever I'm sure there are many others maybe I'm only violent(couldn't really find the right word thought this would do) enough to justify killing something if I'll eat some of it. Some other guys may be a little more violent and don't mind killing for killing's sake and that's ok with me. Let me know thanks
yes in areas hunting bear or other large game can be population control, and yes you can eat bear. It is very good from what i hear. Seems large cat hunting is mostly trophy hunting though.
Seems large cat hunting is mostly trophy hunting though.
In AZ I've heard more good things about cat meat than I have about bear meat, but I've heard both are good. Ever since I heard that bears will come to distress calls and they taste good, I have had a greater desire to hunt them.
I've never had either so I can't vouch for either personally. But, if I shoot one I'll keep y'all posted. My best guess is that tacos are hard to screw up. Taco meat is always delicious with the aid of marinade.
Cat.....tastes like't had cat, but I had some bear roast, once...A lot like beef, only greasier, as I remember...
Mountain lion is good eatin. bear is a bit gamier IMO, but still not bad.

And austinco2, it really boils down to population control and predator control and money. Most of Idaho doesnt allow the use of feeders, unless im mistaken, where as some of the southern states allow more so. this is because they have serious deer over population issues. Using dogs for mountail lion and bait/dogs for bear increases the chances of harvesting one. State F&G watches the numbers like hawks. If the preadator numbers become to low, they can prohibit the use of hounds or bait(some parts of Oregon have done this) or change some of the rules/season lengths/harvest numbers in certain zones.

If hunters didnt hunt predators, F&G would have to in order to keep the predator/prey numbers balanced. Like the whole Idaho wolf hunting issue, alot of people disagree with it. But, as a citizen of Idaho, i would rather see a person with the passion and money buy a tag, ammo, gear, spend money on food, gas and butcher costs than see F&G do it. I would rather a person help stimulate the local economy by hunting, rather than my taxes increase so F&G can hire twice as many game wardens to poison, trap and shoot wolves (bears and cougars included)from helicopters.

And i shall point out that the this whole wolf issue was dumped on our State by the feds, when the majority didnt want them hear to begin with. Most of the people who did want them here, were either pencil pushers in Washington, "enviromentalist" groups or people/travelors from other state that visit yellowstone and wanted to see wolves (but should have no opinion on another States wildlife and management of that wildlife). Kinda f***ed up when you think about it.
I've hunted black bear a few times and frankly I don't care for the meat (but have never and will never just shoot something for sport alone, I always consume what I kill). I think bear hunting for most folks is more of the thrill of the hunt than the desirability of the meat, except for subsistence hunters in the north, etc..
As with everything, its in the preparation. I've had some bad meals with bear meat, and I've had some fantastic meals with bear meat.

To me, it takes a bit like lamb.

I like it. Especially the chops.
ive never had a bad bear meal but i hunt with alot of guys that have been doing it for years.

ive had bear roast, bear chili, bear burgers, and a few more the chili is the best
Around here the seasons and limits are much more generous for black bear than moose. If you get them in the right place when they're eating the right stuff (berries!) the meat workable.
I think the "sit in a treestand and plant feed 15yds in front of you" hunt is just not real hunting IMO. I think getting your backside off the ground, hiking, keeping an eye for signs, spotting, and stalking is how it's done. Go to the animals own backyard with every advantage to them, track/stalk him, and take him down!
I am an avid bear hunter counting down the days now. We hunt with hounds. Its is a whole lot like work very physicaly demanding. It is illegal to hunt bear over bait in NC and I personaly dont think it would be nearly as exciting. Bear tenderloin is great [heck I guess possum tenderloin might be good] But the real prize around here is the liver dont think much of it myself but most guys seem to love it.I believe if we didnt huntem they would outnumber deer before long.
To sort of borrow from a founding father; as long as what I do doesnt break your leg or pick your pocket, it really is none of your business. Bear is very good eats, depending on what it has been eating. Blueberries, great. Garbage, well, garbage.
In oregon dogs and bait are totaly a no no. I have killed a nice bear in eastern oregon while elk hunting and one in idaho hunting behind some kick ass hounds, they are edible but not exatly my fav. We havnt been able to hunt cats or bears with dogs for over 10 years in oregon and now there are more than enough cats, in fact the elk hunt I grew up doing every year has been cancled for the last few years mostly due to predation so yes alot of hunting bears and big cats is just population control. And the rug is pretty cool to. Any one who thinks hunting cats and bears with dogs is super easy has never done it. If I get the chance to hunt behind dogs again it will be with a hand gun just so I don't have to pack a rifle while trying to keep up with the dogs and guide who are both way faster than one would think.

The best part about bear and cougar hunting is if it aint your cup of tea no one will make you do it.
"I've never had either so I can't vouch for either personally. But, if I shoot one I'll keep y'all posted. My best guess is that tacos are hard to screw up. Taco meat is always delicious with the aid of marinade." -Wankerjake

That made me burst out in laughter I'm a Texas boy so I love me some taco's.

Thank you guys for your imput. I'm really suprised many of you have eaten bear I really thought people just shot them for fun. Glad to hear that you guys don't waste it eventhough it doesn't really seem to be anyone's favorite.
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