been reading for a while now new member

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Jan 17, 2006
Western Missouri
I've been reading for a while now new member. I'm making a post here concerning a situation i recently had. I was dating a woman who was anti. Did not know this. We go out on three dates. i tell her i was at the shooting range earlier that day in passing & she blows up. Tells me i'm a "evil fascist gun owner" i never xpected that violent reaction. :cuss: so tell me people.

ever dated anyone who found out you are a gun owner & flew off the handle?
I've had a woman I was dating state that guns were not welcome in her house and I immediately and without hesitation told her I would never cross her threshhold.

In my part of the South, anti's tend to keep a low profile.
Nope. But think of all the time and effort you saved! Better to find out early than when you are moving your gun safe into the home you'll be sharing with your new spouse, right?

Seriously. Firearms are a touchstone, a magic window into a person's soul. How someone reacts to them tells you a great deal about their level of personal responsibility and good sense.

...Works the same for evaluating politicians, but they're better liars than most people one meets on the dating circuit. Which is kind of scary.

Depends on where you are.

Mordechaianiliewicz--First of all, Welcome to THR! Glad to have you aboard!

Re: Shocked dates: Where I grew up & dated, owning/using firearms was just too common to get worked up about. If you did, you did. So what? If you didn't, you didn't. So what?

Now I live closer to a large metropolis, and were I still in the dating mode, I'm sure I could find someone pretty easily who would get upset about my gun use on learning of it.

Now, OTOH, my son, who is currently working at a college in downtown Boston, MA, has friends who are really shocked to learn that he has a deer rifle back home. "YOU have a GUN????? :eek: But you're such a nice guy!" is the standard response. He says that they're more upset about his actually having a gun than they are about his hunting deer with it. Tsk.

(Edit) Herself--XLNT point, re: firearms use and sense of personal responsibility. You got your post in while I was typing mine!
Hey, welcome to THR, morde! :)

Well, since you've just come onboard, how much of a gunnie are you? If she's that rabidly anti, I doubt she can be reasoned with. Anti's float in a world where things like reason and laws of gravity don't apply. Sounds like this woman's gonna make you make some tough choices (and not necessarily for the better, either).
welcome aboard!

Anti's are definitely out there. Just gotta be careful and keep your distance from them. There are other women out there. Luckily most of the girls I've dated have been quite open to trying out the shooting sport. After all, if they're not open to your hobbies, think about down the road. You'll be in for a real surprise!

Only three dates, cut your losses now and find a women that will appreciate you for taking her out for her first shooting session. Its truly a wonderful sight to see that huge smile grow and grow as the range session continues.

Good luck man.
I dated an 'anti' last year. She got really upset when she found out I was packing heat everywhere we went.

Until one night when we encountered a few, uh, 'undesireables' in a dark parking lot. "You have your gun on you, don't you?" she wispered with a worried look on her face.

I just smiled and she was relieved and, happily, nothing came of the encounter. But when I brought that situation up at a later date all was forgotten and I was bad to have guns again.

Liberals are really funny that way. Even though they feel that guns are bad, when they need one they are quite happy to have one at hand. But, will go back to being against them as soon as the crisis is over. Can you say hipocrite?
Nope. That's one issue that comes out in the open rather quickly. I'm not wasting time with anyone who isn't going to be roughly compatible with my core values. Nor am I going to waste my breath trying to convert a blissninny.

Don't like the fact I'm a gun owner?
As the group of loud poets known as Motley Crue once said.................... "Girl Don't Go Away Mad, Girl Just Go Away.":D :evil:
You will date some who are anti. My rule of thumb is: "Anyone who is not supportive of the Bill of Rights is a done deal!" Who cares how pretty she is?! This is just God being wasteful with good leftover flesh. You may ask why would God create such a beautiful woman with such a tiny intellect. I guess he did it for the same reason he created the cricket.

Life is way too short to be wasting precious minutes away with a company of dumb dumbs. Your dating should have set prerequisites, one of which is supportive of the Big Ten, for starters.
Never dated an anti, but I did have a home health nurse come in, spot a gun on a table, ask if it was real and when assured that it was she ran out and refused to come back. While I was in the hospital my wife brought my gun mags (the reading kind) that had come in the mail. One of the nurses told me I couldn't have magazines like that in the hospital and tried to confiscate them. When I refused she called security and tried to get them to seize them. Of course, the security guys refused, and in fact we had a nice chat about guns and I ended up loaning the magazines to one of the guys after I finished with them. The nurse later used the "why do you have guns, you seem like such a nice guy" line.
i congradulate you for brigning it up so early in the dating cycle, saved yourself some big bucks. i have some thoughts on women, suffice it too say , that after i broke up with my last girlfriend, i now have a house and three cars and more guns than you can shake a mad chick at.
you may feel a little down about her right now, think you may have really liked her , but just remember this:
no matter how fine, sexy, smart, beautiful she is , somewhere there is a guy who is thinking " im so tired of putting up with that crazy B===='s crap!"
Byron Quick said:
I've had a woman I was dating state that guns were not welcome in her house and I immediately and without hesitation told her I would never cross her threshhold.

In my part of the South, anti's tend to keep a low profile.

I don't make it any secret that I'm a gun owner/accumulator. There's probably a lot more antis who know me than there are antis I know are anti. All the antis who know me know I ain't givin' up guns any more than I'd give up horses, deer hunting, or drinkin'/eating/breathing/sleeping. Those antis don't tend to hang around with me.:D I don't get dates that often, but I figure that's okay because when I meet Ms Right she'll know what she's getting into and that she has to be okay with me being me or the relationship probably isn't destined to go anywhere. She'll also know she's welcome to join me in my pursuits with horses and guns.:D

Edited to add: I just remembered from my reading of Elmer Keith's book "Hell, I Was There" that Mr. Keith met his wife, Lorraine IIRC, sometime between 1928 and 1932 (but I can't recall the exact year, so that's a rough guess). She learned to shoot during their courtship and became a hunter too. But she wasn't an anti to begin with... they lived in Idaho; what'd you expect. They stayed married until his death in the early 1980's. And their son and daughter-in-law were hunters too. Of course, that was a long time ago in a land far away... from some of us.
stevelyn said:
As the group of loud poets known as Motley Crue once said.................... "Girl Don't Go Away Mad, Girl Just Go Away.":D :evil:

Crue had it right for sure......
I invited a woman to my home for a BBQ along with several other friends.....we had "done lunch" a couple times but didn't know each other very my home she spots the Browning safe, she says "Browning makes guns don't they?" Sure do, says I. "But you don't own any GUNS do you?" asks the woman.....I respond yes I do, thus the safe sitting there. She flips out, saying she won't be in a house where there are guns etc. Then I kinda go off, told her to get her buttocks out of my house, letting her know what a rude guest she is.
She called a couple times a week later, why I can't imagine, I didn't even answer the phone, it just isn't worth my time.
Oh yeah, I got married a year or so after that, nine years now.....she grew up in a hunting family and totally accepts my gun hobby, and she shoots some and carries a glock 19......the right one will come along so be patient.
"YOU have a GUN????? But you're such a nice guy!"..........

Ive heard that from so many of my fellow female coworkers. they filp out even more when they find out i restore lots of junk guns as well.

I havent been on a date in 2 1/2 years......... i guess im only a "aquired" taste. seeing as i play paintball(shooting AT people) and have guns ( playing with evil things) ......... im doomed to be single....... oh well:neener: guns and paintball never says no.

several points:

1) welcome to THR.

2) thanks for posting on a Friday night, when the forum is slow
(you :cuss: THR members have too much of a social life; for those of us without one, who feed on gun discussion, it gets boring in here on the weekends! :D )

3) welcome to the realization that there are at least as many anti's as owners.

4) you get one of my three nominations for most interesting user name of 2006.

Translation, please?

See you around. Stay safe.

My guess is that you're going to find out this girl's politics go WAY BEYOND just being anti-gun. If she doesn't like guns I'm pretty sure it won't be long before she starts ranting about the environment, the military, social responsibility, and other such liberal nonsense.

Could be fun though...every date is a new debate!!!
Welcome to THR mordechaianiliewicz!

With me, antis get outed on the first date, usually when I mention paintball and they get the "Deer in headlights" look. Thats when I abandon all plans for 2nd date and just haveing fun messing with 'em by gradually working up to comments about the firearms. Usually something like this....
... yea, the sights on the paintball gun are pretty useless, unlike the iron sights on my FAL. Whats an FAL you say?
at which point I start off on the history of the assault rifle concept. :evil:
4) you get one of my three nominations for most interesting user name of 2006.

Translation, please?
Hmmm..whats that saying about those who forget history?:uhoh:
I once was dating this girl many years ago. She found my gun, slapped me, called me a "killer" and then left.

My folks are also hardcore Anti's, so I just got in the habit of not mentioning it.

When I met my fianceé father, and he started talking guns, a load was washed off my shoulders.

PS Love the name.
Down here in hurricane land you gotta love the anti's.
As soon as the warning flags go up they're out looking to borrow a gun.
And after it blows through, if there's damage or loss of power, they want you to become the local sheriff and do armed patrols.

amazing ain't it!!!!

Luckily, in Idaho, most women aren't bothered by CCWs. When I was single, if the subject didn't come up on its own, I always let it be know when I was taking off my boots that I had a revolver on my ankle. Most ladies didn't care one way or another. Once though, a girl asked me why I carry a gun when she saw the ankle holster. "What're you afraid of?" she asked.
I replied, "Nothing. This is a .45."
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