Belt Buckle Knife?

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Apr 9, 2008
I am looking for a belt buckle knife. I did a search and couldnt find anything. I have a 1.5 and a 1.25 belt from they are all held on by chicago screws, and I would like to know a good belt buckle knife that would work with that. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge with anything along those lines???
ps. Im not into the flashy belt buckles! if you go on the website and look, i chose the square nickle belt buckle.
Looking for something like this?

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Thats exactly what I am looking for. Is there a website that has them? and not that one guy on bladeforums. Also, where can I find a pic of them actually attached to a belt??
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Do you know of any that i can use my existing belt from the beltman

The Bowen knives shown in this thread have custom-made belts, since the end of the belt itself serves as the sheath for the blade. Thus you can't use your own belt for them.

In the early 1980's Gerber made some belt-buckle knives that were very attractive. They were probably the nicest-looking I've seen, and Gerber made the knives with care and attention to detail. You might be able to find some of these on eBay.

You should be aware that wearing a belt buckle knife is illegal in many jurisdictions, and wearing one so that you can go somewhere that a knife is normally forbidden (courts, airplanes) will get you in a world of trouble.
As noted, they take a special belt, not just any old belt you happen to have.

They are also highly regulated in some locals as concealed weapons.

Careful you don't get in a Heap-A-Trouble.

Anyway, I view them more as a novelty then a serious SD knife.
Unfastening your pants to go to a knife-fight seems like a pretty bad idea!

Old custom DAN-D from my collection:


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Geeze Rupestris !!!!! But I see you do have a point.. The thing there to me is how can these guys move with out loosing it all?

rcmodel , My senitments exactly..

uh ug, err just hang on there a sec my pants are falling down...
I've noticed that a lot on COPS TV.

A lot of those guys would get clean away if their pants crotch around their knees didn't keep them from running so fast! :D

Well in fact there have been a couple of times i was bothered in the night, and I sleep naked. I don't waste any time getting clothing on, and so go as I was made.

Since I have done this more than once I have learned a few things about shock and awe.... LOL

lets just say it works and bad guys are none to happy about that..

So I guess for me if i slept in such a belt I might have access to a knife.

The problem with that is two fold. 1 i don't sleep wearing a belt and 2 when i go out there is a gun in my hand...

It appears there is no need to point the gun at anything in these times either. I wonder why that is?

Of course living as rural as i do I have no fear of finding any female woodnymphs even... it all boils down to waking me up when I shouldn't be, and then whom even needs no words from me, to know to get gone... and dammned fast.
First, your belt has to be made to act as a sheath for the "buckle".

Second, make sure your concealed carry laws won't get you into legal trouble carrying one. Most places would classify it as a push dagger and daggers are usually prohibited.
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