Beretta .25 autos - model question

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Feb 20, 2011
Could someone please tell me the difference between a Beretta 21a .25acp with a pivoting trigger like a 92FS and a Beretta 950B or BS .25acp with a trigger that looks and works like a 1911 trigger. I have not handled either one but from pictures the only difference seems to be the triggers and the model number.
Thanks for your help - Dan
The 21's trigger pivots because its first shot is double-action, i.e., pulling the trigger cocks as well as releases the hammer. The 950BS trigger is single-action and only releases the hammer, therefore does not need to pivot. Whichever you choose depends on what you're most comfortable carrying. To be instantly ready for action, a single-action needs to have its chamber loaded, hammer cocked and thumb safety on. You may encounter difficulty holding the gun with two fingers and "wiping off" the safety. The DA is instantly ready with just a pull of the trigger, but this has its own problems as you are pulling over a long stroke with a pull weight many times that of the gun. (All subsequent shots are SA, but the first is the most important.)

I have not handled either one but from pictures the only difference seems to be the triggers and the model number.
IIRC the 21 has a thicker grip and frame. There has to be room for linkage to move.
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