Beretta px4 storm or Glock 9m what do you think?

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I have a Glock 19 and if I had my druthers I would have either a BHP, if it would be an OWB Holster gun or a Keltec p-11 if I were looking for more concealability.
Miaakitanc -

Short answer - the PX4. i've had both, they're both decent, i'd take the PX4. keep in mind, the PX4 comes in several different trigger configurations. as for "the long answer", just read SmurfSlayer's post, he covered it.

trigger pull is a big factor - the PX4's changes after the 1st shot (if you have the DA/SA). some people don't like that and it does mean having to decock the weapon before reholstering, if you don't empty the mag. Glock's trigger pull is the same everytime.... crappy.
As far as 9mm's go, I have a Glock 17, a hard-chromed BHP Practical, a Springfield Loaded 9mm and a Sig P225. They are all terrific, but the G17 gets more rangetime than the rest combined.
Both are fine pistols, I usually consider cost and availability of magazines when making a decision, thats why I shoot a Glock G34 instead of the H&K P30L in production class USPSA. Glock mags $19, H&K mags $69, Beretta PX mags $45.
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