Best Birthday Ever

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Mar 10, 2010
NW Georgia
Today is my friggin birthday... but we celebrated this past weekend...

I was looking at several smaller pistols for summer/office carry, and my wife kept telling me I could make the pitch AFTER my birthday, but she didn't want to hear about it beforehand.

Turns out my brother bought me a CZ-82. Booyah.

I have named her Mishka. A good sexy Czech name for a sexy, elegant pistol.

I think my revolver is in love.
I have to admit, when I stripped her down (oh my), I was concerned by the bore... and I said to my brother, "boy, the rest of the gun looks like it's in great condition, why is the bore so smooth?" Then I looked it up. Crazy!

Just dry firing her, the DA pull is about as smooth as Patron Silver, and the slide is like butter. Anybody know of 9x18 snap caps?

If it wasn't raining/sleeting like crazy, I'd be taking her to the "range" as soon as I get off work, but it looks like I may have to wait a few days. She surely is a beauty, though.
Ah yes I remember my first time!

Congrats on the birthday and equally so for the weapon!
Happy birthday but Mishka is really more Russian then Czech... Also, means "bear" ... LOL

Enjoy your present and be safe!

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