Best "hunt" of the season!

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Dec 24, 2002
at the center of my own little universe
I got up early and quietly left the house with my wife and 3 and 1/2 year old grandaughter still asleep. Bowhunted until about 9 AM and came home to spend some time playing with little Madeline before my son came to pick her up after the "overnight" at Grandma and Grandpa's. I came into the mudroom and sat down to pull off my boots and Maddy was standing in the wide-open doorway looking for me. She laughed hysterically and pointed at me saying "Grandpa, you look like a tree!"
Evidently me in camo was the funniest thing she had ever seen. Then she got serious and asked "Were you out looking for deers?". I saw my wife caution me with a raised spatula from the kitchen and recognised the non-lethal choice of words as well as the smell of pancakes and deer sausage.
I answered her in the affirmative. (It was not a productive morning... just "looking".)
Then she said "I want to go look for deer with you."
I am a total sucker for her requests, even without the little pout. Grandma assured me we had a few minutes before breakfast was ready so we got Maddy into her coat and onto my shoulders and headed out with the black lab Maggie alongside.
We went up behind the house and around the walnut tree grove and walked the mowed firebreaks in my big patch of prairie grass- mostly tall bluestem and indiangrass. Maddy was riding on my shoulders and yacking away, calling the dog, laughing, etc. The dog was nose to the ground hunting any pheasants that might be around. No way to look for deer, eh?
She suddenly remembers why we came out here and asked "where are the deers? I want to see the deers."
I told her if she wanted to see deer she had to be quiet. (hah!)
Just then, we rounded a curve and a nice big doe that had been bedded stepped out into the mowed path and stood broadside looking at us from about 25 yards away!. A yearling fawn followed her out and stood next to her.
I felt little Madeline's excited grip on my head (and a handful of hair) and she said "I see them! I see two deers!" They froze for a moment before bolting up across the hillside and then stopped and looked back at us again. She couldn't wait to go back and tell Grandma.
We had a nice breakfast and when Mom and Dad came to pick her up they got the whole excited story from their little girl. She capped the story by dragging Mom into the den and pointing at a mounted buck on the wall- just in case mom didn't know what they look like.
Plenty of other days for killing deer, but today was a day to go "looking for deers". I don't what I did to deserve a day like this, but I am truly thankful...
That just gave me the biggest smile of the day, by far.

Thanks Kingcreek!

It's a funny thing about kids. Sometimes they bring luck on hunts. My little brother, at 3, had a magnificent eye for spotting 'em. Deer that would just disappear into the monochrome desert to you and me would be plain as day to him, he'd call out "I see a reindeer!" :)
It's lucky to live a wonderful life; luckier still to know it.

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