Bet no one's asked this before.

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Aug 26, 2007
Next week I may or may not have the opportunity to have someone who is well known for his affiliation with firearms and very famous autograph my rifle stock.

The rifle is a Yugo SKS (it's all I have). It is of course a wooden stock with relatively pronounced grain. The question is...what kind of pen should I bring for him to sign with?

If everything goes as planned I will of course post pics.
Woodburning kit!?

I saw a thread once where a guy got a woodburning kit and used it to write "say hello to my little friend" in Russian on the stock of his AK clone. I thought it was kind of neat-funny and even looked up the Cryllic translation in case I wanted to do it, but I'm sure I won't.
There are metallic ink pens for writing on wine bottles and such. One of those might work.
I like the wood burning kit idea, if thats a option, as it seems like it would just look pretty subdued, and kinda classy and neat for an autograph, and would help ensure the sig doesnt wear off or run from sweat, water, solvents, etc.

Not sure how easy it is to do a decent signature with one though, having never used one.
Unless this person is associated with Com-Bloc or surplus guns why not buy a nice stock for the person to sign and later have a good rifle built for the stock?
I vote Sharpie. The only way a woodburning kit would work is if the person doing the signing was willing to sit there for ten minutes or more and etch their name in. And if you've never used one of those kits before, it's not as simple as picking it up and going to town - there's a slight learning curve.
Just bring what you want. i will sign anything
No selling for profit is all I ask :neener:
Vibrating engraving tool. Fairly simple to use first shot, but bring along a hunk of practice hardwood.
If it's for your own use, not to increase the value of the gun, I'd get them to sign with a sharpie then I'd trace over it with a woodburner when I got home.

If you're doing it and worry about provenance someday maybe not but for your own enjoyment that's how I'd to it.
+1 on the wood burning, but you'll have to remove whatever varnish, sealant, etc. is on the stock, or it will gum up the pen. Then you can reseal when finished, and the signature will last forever.

Vladimir Putin?
I hope everyone will accept my apologies, including OJ. I did forget that his weapon of choice was a knife. Although I thought he had switched to guns in his latest events.
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