Better off behind enemy lines?

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Apr 29, 2007
My family is in the process of getting read to move, and we are in the DC Metro Area. I'm not interested in living in DC proper, however I am looking at sticking around Maryland. But I was wondering, as a politically active individual (and liberal enough to get by in this area), what people thought would be more effective for the cause.

1) Stick around Maryland. Maryland is heavily democratic and anti-gun, but is still reasonable enough to heed the Constitution now and again. I'd likely be moving closer to Baltimore, which could definitely use some more level headed voters.

2) Stick closer to DC. DC is very, very, stupidly nanny-state. They vote 99% for the Blue candidate, regardless as to who he actually is and, in my experience, DC residents rarely look past their headlines when they read the news. No respect for the Constitution at all. I feel like it would be impossible for me to do any good here. Plus, no representation in the house (thank the good Lord!)

3) Move to Virginia (especially the NoVA area). Virginia has excellent gun laws and seems to really be into this strange concept called fridum or something. However, I feel like moving there, I wouldn't have anything to write to my congressperson about.

Any thoughts? For someone who doesn't actually own any guns yet (and so wouldn't have to dump anything), is the best place for us in the border states, where we can push to win hearts and minds? Or should we reinforce the ramparts?
Uhh - Virginia? Yeah the cost of living in NOVA is something like 50% higher than Baltimore but it is not a slum full of fascist laws either. So long as you stay away from Norfolk and Richmond areas crime is much lower than just about anywhere in MD East of the mountains.

Consider that MD one step up from DC and that VA is about three flights of stairs up...
At the risk of being the debbie downer, choose the gun friendly state. Most gun people, no matter how ardent they are, when living in anti states usually give up and move. As a result the fight is usually useless. It would be far better for you to pick a good state and fight to keep it that way.
I'd have to say NOVa even though I'm actually fleeing the area. In my case though it's because I'm sick of "crossing over" to DC to work and because the housing prices are absolutely INSANE.
Most of us who stick it out in areas that are hostile to our way of life were born here. If I were moving in from somewhere else and had to choose whether to end up in Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri or Illinois, there's honestly no way I'd move into Illinois.
Virginia isn't 2nd Amendment heaven, but it is light years away from the various other circles of hell you mentioned.
Staying in an unfriendly environment, when you have choices, is something like hoping that a poor pest control company will eventually rid you of pests after you rally other customers to campaign.

Yeah, it could happen. But why would you not switch to a better pest control company, unless the one you're with is run by a relative?

The benefit of states with their own laws is that people, by voting with their feet, exert market pressure on state governments. It's capitalism for local laws. Take advantage of it. Unless your brother-in-law is the running the one you're with.
Given the poor choices, my vote would have to be VA.

Free America: Nothing else comes close,

What's the quote about small groups of people being the only thing that creates change ?????

I'll take the contraian position. I live in northeastern Illinois so being a contraian when it comes to the RKBA and the 2A just comes natural. Move into the belly of beast and make it change. If we keep on pulling out of gun unfriendly areas we'll end like the Native Americans who failed to defend Plymouth Rock in 1620 and in only 275 years later ended-up on the outside looking in to watch the last of the Oklahoma Land Rushes.

Where's the biggest fight for RKBA going on now ???? DC (Parker vs DC). Why ???? Because one guy (albeit with a huge pile of cash) said "This is wrong and I'm going to fight it."

Be Teddy Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena".

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
The idea of different sovereign states is that individuals can vote with their feet by moving to the states that they agree with. People usually whine and write this off, talking about how difficult it is to find a job or that they have to stay due to family, but you have been blessed with the opportunity to choose.
Anywhere in the Metro DC area blows chunks, and comes with serious quality of life issues. VA's fairly gun friendly, and NOVA usually bats for the Blue team.

Case in point: HQ for my co is between 9 & 12 oclock on the beltway. My boss lives 7 miles away, door to door. Commute time @ 2am is 10 minutes. Commute time at commute time is 40 minutes.

For 7 miles.

That's no way to live.

That, and the fact that the housing market is entirely and thoroughly distorted...
[As a MD resident, I vote that you stay and help us out! /QUOTE]

I third that vote.

MD is one of the testing grounds for gun control. Things that get passed here WILL find there way to PA and VA in time. I'd bet ANYBODY $100 on that. Just look at what's happened to NoVa in the past 20 years or so. Lots of liberals from MD invading, lots of immigrants (who tend to vote heavily Dem) and look how VA's Governor has been vocal about the need for stronger gun laws. Last year Virginians voted out pro gun Senator George Allen recently for a whacko leftist like Jim Webb.

If you don't take the fight to the enemy, the enemy will bring the fight to you.

If you can tolerate the b.s. here, stay and fight as long as you can. When you're gray haired or bald, move on.
We're moving out of Virginia. We just can't take it anymore with each administration trying to prove it is more left than the previous administration. Move to VA to balance out the lefties that are moving in, at least VA has a chance at staying sane, MD has no chance until it implodes on itself.
We need more help than anybody, but I would never suggest anyone move to NJ.

Go with Virginia. Make it easy on yourself. Having to :banghead: all the time, is no fun at all.
HEY Don !!!

If I were moving in from somewhere else and had to choose whether to end up in Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri or Illinois, there's honestly no way I'd move into Illinois

If you can't stand the heat..... stay out of the kitchen.

This is where the enemy is strongest and where those of us who think otherwise continue to fight, call and write, show up and shoot. Despite what some of you believe or think, we can and do own guns, shoot and carry.

You must define Chicago, New York City and Washington D.C. as the centers of anti-gun politicians and activists. The balance of the state has more gun owners than most states. It's about intellect and activism, interest and involvement, not about where.;)
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