Bicyclist gets 12 years in rage incident

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I carry a gun all the time

I am an armed guard here in frisco,when I'm riding my bike in uniform
while packing I notice drivers are a lot better behaved.
I have had people scream pig and give me the finger and even threaten to shoot me while working so despite pythonguys misgivings (what do you expect from some one who willingly puts up with NY gun laws?) I will continue to carry. And yes,if I "think some one is going to run me over" that is justification to shoot him same as if I thought I was going to get stabbed or shot-vehicular homocide is illegal pythonguy!
now that ccw posted the rest of the story I can see why the bike got jail time,but if he had a better lawyer it might have been a bit different (the biker and driver both were idiots)
bicycles have every right to be on the road-when I was a bike messenger I had to be there,if I was to wander arond the park on the bike path,I would have lost my job.
you guys really wouldnt defend you life because some ones choice of weapon was a three ton pick up? why???
a pick up truck kills you just as dead as a knife.
Sounds like a good lesson for Bicyclers to learn is Stop Flipping off Drivers. :) It looks like every confrontation described on this thread was escalated first by the bicycle rider flipping off the driver. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong, if you know you are in a vulnerable position, it is up to you to ride defensively and don't go out of your way to piss off anyone. The same can be said for drivers as well. Makes me glad I drive a truck.

As far as a man attacking someone with a gun, I sat in a jury on a murder trial a few years back. A guy killed a man who was attacking him even though he had a gun. The problem with it was that he had the gun in his hand when he originally walked up to the guy. We were not allowed to know that theft was probably involved. We did know that the guy was a pimp and a drug dealer and this was about 4 AM in the morning outside a crack house. :) guilty by the way.

#1 I'm sure we all sleep better at night knowing you have and carry a gun, I'm sure you tell everyone you meet about it too. #2, I can tell from your private msg to me you have a real anger problem and those are people that shouldn't carry. As I told you in my reply, I have lots of friends that carry for job related reasons, you'd never even know they had a gun. They are mature, responsible gun owners and aren't looking to shoot someone for flipping them off or perceived dangers that don't exist. The people who let everyone know they have a gun are the first to be taken out, ask a smart gun owner with a CCW and its the first thing they will tell you.
Y'know, if you go back through this thread and think about the various points of view and the various mal-events mentioned, it's easily summarized:

The world is overly endowed with idiots. Control your temper. Don't flip off other people, no matter how stupid they've been. Avoid/evade, even if it hurts your pride, because even if you're in the right you could lose a fight or lose in a trial. Seems to me this holds regardless of how many wheels are under you...

That I offer such commentary does not mean I like it. My own emotional reaction to many idiots tends to involve twelve-gauge enemas, which is definitely an anti-social view of things and would probably be frowned upon by the public at large...

Do mature responsible people exist in NY?

The point is, you don't shoot people for being a jerk, or because you think they might run you over

Oh really pythonguy? Cops shoot people because they think they might be run over,it's called self defense, Being a native NY'er (myself) I know that is a difficult concept for you to comprehend, but you can if you think real hard.

#1 I'm sure we all sleep better at night knowing you have and carry a gun
I know I sleep better at night,if I had to please "all" I wouldn't sleep so well so I don't worry about the lowest common denominator.

I can tell from your private msg to me you have a real anger problem
big deal pythonguy,why don't you bring a lawsuit against me for being an Irish Catholic New Yorker :evil:

oh btw-I never flip people off when I'm carrying. and just because you claim that your friends carry and that they are soooo mature dosn't make it true-it's just another internet boast. :rolleyes:
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Yeah, thats a real internet boast "They act normal."
Can you say, irrational?....... :D
By the way, what does your religion and nationality have to do with anything? Why do you bring it up? Do you believe in stereotypes too? Sheesh........ :(
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If you've got a personal problem with another member, take it to email, please.

I guess there are some things which will never change........

Dogs and Cats refusing to live together in harmony, Cops getting to shoot motorists because of the perceived life threat and Bicyclists not and finally the ever present argument over whether it's OK to run cyclists off the road but not for the cyclist to flip off the fat butted moron driver.

Only one "cops on bikes" (well sort of, more like "an armed authority figure in uniform") responds and since he only going to work on his bike he gets flamed.

It seems obvious that the conclusions drawn here are for cyclists to not flip off the drivers. This has been the only instance I am aware of that the driver found out that the bug he was stepping on had a sting.

Since society apparently doesn't think running cyclists off the road is that big of a crime a further conclusion that could be drawn is that when the driver comes back for another run at it.

Don't talk, just shoot. :uhoh:
Urick was arraigned on charges of attempted homicide, aggravated assault and two weapons violations.

FWIW, when the media reports "weapons violations" in PA I usually interpret that as the guy didn't have a LTC. Not sure what the second one was, maybe unlawful discharge or owning the pistol in the first place (if he had a disqualifying record.)
Mr. Pythonguy,

If the cyclist had just shot and not talked, he would have beaten the assault charge. Like I say, cops do it all the time.

No doubt, they would still get him for the unconstitutional piling on charges. "Weapons Violations"

(beaten, not beated :eek: )
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There sure are some of bitter bicycle riders out there. Nobody is saying it is okay to run off the road, all we are saying is that flipping off other people is not a good idea no matter what the situation. I don't run bycycles off the road and I think I would go out of my way to help identify a driver I saw doing it. You could try wearing a bycycle helmet cam to capture license plate numbers. :)

Next thing you know, we'll see articles about a cyclists arrested for shooting at cars that he thinks were preparing to run him off the road.

Oh, and if a truck pulls up to you with the window rolled down, don't point your gun at the driver and shoot him. :)
Mr.Ag94, Good advice, good advice.

My feelings are a little hurt that you think I am bitter just because ONE cyclist whacks a moron driver. Out of ALL of the ones that deserve it. Do not concern yourself overly, however, I will get over it. No gunplay is necessary.

Usually when a truck pulls up alongside with the window down, I suspect that they are going to ask me how far it is to Nackadoshees. :cool:
Hi All-

As an enthusiastic, courteous, and extremely competent bicyclist, motorcyclist, and car enthusiast, I can count on one hand the number of times that a motorist has felt the urge to go "completely road rage" while I've been buckled into my car or truck.

Repeat the same scenario while I'm on my bicycle or motorcycle and all of a sudden motorists seem to grow beer muscles. I'm still the same courteous person sharing the roadway, but the Neanderthals behind the steering wheel must somehow feel that since I'm much smaller and vulnerable outside of my steel cage I no longer enjoy the same rights of the road. Sure, it's a matter of "Might Makes Right" here, but things can get out-of-hand if one is prone to bullying.

The fact-of-the-matter is that if I'm pedaling along the side of a narrow country lane, a motorist will have to slow before passing me. Sorry for the 5-second delay, but that is just everyday life. People with anger management problems allow that miniscule delay to become a fuse for unacceptable emotional outbursts. Been there, done that, and have witnessed it numerous times from the vantage of many different vehicles.

~ Blue Jays ~
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