Bill Expediting Out-of-State Gun Purchases to be introduced

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This is great! Now maybe some of the heat will come off the gun show circuit. It has long been a complaint of states like New York that people come down to the south to buy guns since there are no check requirements for private sales (buying a gun off of John Q. Public's table at a gun show) in this state and others. Now someone on vacation here can buy a gun and take it home. It seems like there is a show just about every weekend and one of the convention centers.
Got the flyer from the GOA about this.
Seems awesome as I travel quite a bit.
But, I believe it will be a cold day in you know where before this ever passes.

I have to agree with you AFS.

I think we have as much chance of seeing this as we do nation-wide CCW. There are just too many forces opposed to it.
I'm waiting to see what lies the gun controllers will use against this.

Our streets will be flooded with military style assault weapons purchased on a whim before entering Disneyland where the streets will run with blood.
That would be an excellent simplification of laws. But do you really think that all dealers will allow it, I have been to MN and they would not sell an AR-15 to me as I was from Iowa. They told me that it was against Federal Law. Of course I knew better and figured it to be just a store policy.

I never even thought that the two gun set of commeratives would be prohibited with the one-gun laws. Guess I should have thought about implications a little better. There is no law like that in IA but I have thought that it would get expensive to buy a handgun a month, every month.

I also feel that this has no chance for being passed and the R's will not be looking for a fight in congress as it would bring the other side out in droves...

I also have a problem with the Federal Carry ideas. Not only does it take away the power from the State, but also would allow the more populous and generally left leaning states to set policy as they have done in other areas.

They best answer to universal reciprocity would be a court case spelling out that a license is valid under the Full Faith and Credit Clause. As in you can drive, be married, etc in any of the many States legally.

As in you can drive, be married, etc in any of the many States legally.
Apples and oranges. DLs are recognized by reciprocity, not FF&C clause. They are two different things.

Anyway, I would expect the mayors of NYC and Chicago cry that this would facilitate "gunrunning" from the freer territories of the USA to their cities. They already think we sell guns in vending machines here. This will make their heads explode. The media will whip their hysteria into a froth.

On the practical side, will every FFL have to know what is legal/illegal in each state so that they only sell approved toys to out-of-staters? If not, an escappe for California could come here and buy an evil .50 and then [illegally] take it back. The big blue states (Cali, NY, and IL) won't stand for that. They will want the burden to be on the FFL to know what each out of state buyer is allowed to have. What a mess. F-Troop will have a field day.
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