Bill Maher on Larry King

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Dec 29, 2002
Last night, I was flipping through the channels at a late hour, and I happened to turn to CNN. Larry King was interviewing Bill Maher.

I only caught the last 10 minutes or so, and this is what I heard:

CNN Larry King

MAHER: I think Canada -- how sad is that that the place this country is where Canada is hipper than we are now but it's true. If you look at where Canada and I would say Europe also is going where it's heading, you look at the statistics in Europe, in many European countries, less than half the people get married now. They have families and children, they just don't believe in this outdated institution. Marijuana, legal in a lot of these countries. Gay marriage, legal. People don't go to church anymore. 90 percent of France says they're Catholic. 10 percent go to church. That's where the world is moving. But this country? Is moving in the other direction. More superstition, more tradition, more stuff that we are -- more skins that the intelligent world like Canada and Europe are shedding.

Can we take up a collection and buy him a ONE-WAY ticket?

Stinger (superstious and traditional)
Another rich liberal - oops, libertarian, or so he claims - spouts off.

Notice the elitism.

Illegitimacy, Marijuana, Gay Marriage, Atheism = enlightened

Those who don't believe in some or all of the above = benighted cretins
“[L]ess than half the people get married now.… Gay marriage, legal.…â€

So hardly anyone in Europe and Canada but the homosexuals is getting married anymore? There are those “family values†for you! :D

Actually, he’s probably right about the direction the rest of the world is moving compared to the United States. However, it’s certainly not all “sadâ€â€”most of the world, including the U.S., is moving in a sad direction—and Europeans and Canadians are, for the most part, just as stupid as people in the U.S.

~G. Fink
Bill Maher?

I don't pay much attention to what he has to say! He claims to be a Libertarian but he comes off as a hidden Liberal most of the time. He will hang himself with his mouth again and get his ??? handed to him by a conservitive soon and then listen to him bawl his eyes out. He is a typical Hollywood liberal. :banghead: :eek:
Marijuana, Gay Marriage, Atheism = enlightened
So buy him his ticket. I dont think that drug laws should exist, I am a straight man who believes that people should be free to marry whom they choose, and the church should decide who can get married in their church, not our government. I am also agnostic. Would you have me sent away as well?

Just because someone believes that certain things shouldnt be decided for you by the government doesnt make them evil. Elitism is their problem. Let them hang themselves with the way they come accross. I personally find most televangical ministers to be VERY elitist. I dont like preachy people, and to anyone who thinks that liberties should be legislated away I say "Go to Hell."

Besides, elitists (who only think they are superior) give naturally superior people like me a bad name.:D
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Yes, I've heard it said, that those people who think they know everything, really annoy those of us who do.

Still and all he IS entertaining.

As long as he's not passing legislation, just hot air... harmless at best.

Like LArry King his audience share is pitiful. A babbling lefty who looks down his nose at us peons. Maher is a witless wonder!:cuss: :fire:
Like LArry King his audience share is pitiful. A babbling lefty who looks down his nose at us peons. Maher is a witless wonder!:cuss: :fire:
Mike: No problem, comrade. :uhoh: ;) (If you're ever up north, stop by, I'll save a sacred cow for the barbecue.)
I don't quite know what to make of this guy, though I have to admit I never saw his TV show because I didn't have cable.

I did read his book "When You Ride Alone You Ride With Osama", and it seems to be split down the middle on libertarian and liberal stances. He does rail against political correctness and is in favor of ethnic profiling, but at the same time almost seems to blame America for 9/11.

Quite a strange book.
> TheOtherOne wrote:
> So if he's a libertarian, what is Bill Maher's stance on guns?

He is a gun-ban advocate, also anti-hunting.

At least he does have the integrity to admit that the 2nd Ammendment actually exists. His take is that 2ndA should be repealed through legal channels (ie; ammendment ratified by the states), thus making gun bans possible.

So Maher at least is a lot more honest than most liberals, who simply pretend that the 2ndA doesn't exist and are willing to gut the bill of rights to get their way.
Just joking, Mike. I'm a married suburbanite with a mortgage and a station wagon, not exactly a radical. Regardless of Maher's true leanings, your defense of some of his positions seemed to reflect genuine libertarian reasoning. Regards. Ed
I just read the Maher quote, and I'm trying to figure out where he learned grammar. If he were a recent immigrant from, say, Aufbukistan, I'd cut him some slack.

What the hell did he say?
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