Bill Richardson D-NM Gov, gets CCW

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What do you wanna bet he might be making a Presidential run bid, and wants to help himself out with the NRA crowd?

Obvious, but at the same time, I think he is covered in big piles of doo doo up to his waist concerning the Chinese Missile connection. That being said, I think to Bill Clinton, and how he changed his status on guns when he left Arkansas, and I just have a hard time believing him.
Here's the open letter Bill Clinton sent to the NRA back on Nov 11th, 1982:

"I am against any legislation or regulation on gun control that goes beyond the current law, and am in support of the NRA position on gun control. I am opposed to any additional requirements for registration of handguns or rifles beyond current law."

And then, ten years later, things changed when he became President...
Quote from Lone Gunman

"It is easy for Republicans to not hold Bush responsible for "faulty intelligence" on the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, yet somehow they want to pin all the blame for the above mentioned scandal on Richardson.

We call that partisan politics."

Real quickly Lone Gunman, if you think about it, you have to hold the CIA responsible for faulty intelligence, but I wasn't talking about Iraq.

I was talking about the department that Bill Richardson was directly responsible for, losing nuclear weapon disarmament codes, and then those codes suddenly "turning up" hidden behind a copy machine.

And as far as Bush and the word "Intelligence" anyone that would sign a Bill into law, that on the very day they do it, admits he believes the Bill is Unconstitutional, but he is relying on the Supreme Court striking it down, is not someone who I would defend for one minute.

If there is "partisan politics" being played, it ain't by me.

PS. I like your quote signature, but the verbatim correct quote (from Barry Goldwater, during his speech at the 1964 Republican Convention) reads as follows:

"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!
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Richardson would be no worse of a president than any since Reagan left office
This qualifies him to be Leader of the Free World how? Would I vote for another Clinton? another Bush? I didn't and I won't.

I have a concealed handgun license. I don't pretend that I am presidential material because of it. Yawn.
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