Black Bear in my back yard

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Hey, what a great idea. Frozen paintballs. Perfect for bruins who are too curious.
But call animal control first if you live in population. If you live more in the boonies, tuck a gun in the waist for insurance and try the paintballs.
loveviking said:
What works well on bears is paintballs.

Funny you should mention that! I was just trying to promote that idea to a few of my vegetarian friends... As "Catch and Release Hunting" :)

Note: I've never tried this, and it is probably illegal somehow, given the complexity of game laws... But, it sounded like a great new red-neck sport!
I had a couple bear problems when I lived in Truckee. Called animal control and the dept of fish and game. Game warden came out and gave me 5 12 guage rubber buckshot rounds, he said to let him have a couple in the rump from 30 feet or so and do not aim for the head. It only took one each time, I still have three left. That last bear, it was hilarious, he couldn't get out of the area fast enough. Neither one ever came back.
What part of Western Washington are you in? Springtime is the most common time to see blackies here.
My son's girlfriend's parents had one come into their house last month in Carnation. Came in through an open window in their utility room where they kept the cat food. Guess they like catfood. :D
With the outlawing (stupid Seattle liberals) of baiting and hound hunting, the incidents of bear/human, cougar/human contact is up immensely the past 10 years. Just like any other potentially dangerous situation, the watchword is to be aware of the problem, and not let your guard down.
Next year.........apply for a spring bear tag. :rolleyes:
I think I have posted this link before in another "bear thread," but here it goes again:
i've never had to deal with bear, but i DO HAVE A HEALTHY RESPECT FOR THEM! not nesecarily afraid of them mind you, but i f i saw one, i would move along quietly and leave it alone. for me, i would be invading THEIR teratory, so I AM THE INTRUDER. i like a lof of the advice people have given about how to scare them off. they are for the most part quite shy creatures form what info i have. but i know under certain circumstanses, they can be agressive. if you are unfortunate enough to be in contact with an agressive bear, YOU WILL LOOSE! unles you have a big enough gun. your 30-30- should do the trick unless it is absoloutly charging you. i would do all i could to deter his coming around, LOOK outside with a spot light before you or S.O. go outside after dark, and maybe one of those snmall boat air horns would also go a long way to scare one off if you stumbled across one while outside. i also dont know about the lion dung thing, if it has no idea what it belongs to, why would it be scared by it? but, if you have a zoo near by, it would be worth a shot. it would be free, and it would disolve and go away after a short time. actually, the zoo may be able to give you some other helpful suggestions about how to deter the bear. it sounds like you are going about this in the right way, not just going out and shooting it to get rid of it. just be careful, and if you EVER SEE A CUB, STAY INSIDE AND CALL THE ATHORITIES! if you go outside when there is a cub, there will be trouble!
Bear Pepper Spray... Just start lugging it around with you. They have handy holsters. You see the bear, you make some noise and start fanning the spray (trigger depressed gasses releasing) at the bear like you would paint your house.

Trust me, he will scram. Wind is something to think about, but those things are high pressure so it will do the trick without too much cross contamination.
Theres been some grizzly break-ins at my parents friends cabins here in NW Montana. Needless to say, I'm heavily armed when I go stay out there. I never want to deal with shooting a grizzly and will avoid it at nearly all costs, but if it came down to my life... I'll take action
That's a tough predicament. I wouldn't want to shoot the bear either, but it is true that they can become dangerous if they aren't afraid of humans. Hopefully animal control will be able to capture him. I would keep an eye out and be careful. Maybe bring your 30-30 with you when you take out the trash, just in case. But I wouldn't proactively confront the bear, unless you like the taste of bear and want a free rug.
there is great advises here....

here is my 2 cents...If You love where you live....the Bears are part of it. No need to think and act violence; especially since he has not acted to deserve it. However, it appears that you may have to change your lifestyle and take the dog out during the daytime!!

Be careful out there!
Good luck.
Get a cardboard cutout of Hillary Clinton. Even a bear should recognize the overwhelming evil and avoid your property.
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