If someone shot your dog

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I just lost a dog that I loved very much.Long fight with cancer,finally ,for her;it was time to go. hat said,if someone shot my dog(and NOT because he was an innocent in danger),the best he cold hope for would be to turn himelf in to the cops.it would not go good for him.
oh ,and yes ;I've had Dobermans and American Pitbulls all of my life.
The only opportunity anyone would have, to shoot any of my dogs when they are off leash ,would be on my property. At that point there fate would be sealed.
People who let their dogs off the leash in public places are being thoughtless and irresponsible and are generally also breaking the law.

Even if, (and that's a big if) there is no chance of the dog being aggressive under any circumstances whatsoever, and even when it's not illegal, that still doesn't make everything ok.

1. There's no way to know whether someone else's dog is going to behave.
2. There are people who have violent allergies to various animals including dogs.
3. There are people who have phobias of animals including dogs. (Someone on this thread even explained how their son acquired such a phobia because of someone's thoughtlessly letting their animal run loose.)
4. Animals running loose can cause a hazard even if they don't come in direct contact with humans. I nearly had a wreck the other day due to some idiot's response to an animal crossing the street.

There's a good reason that leash laws are nearly universal.
hat said,if someone shot my dog(and NOT because he was an innocent in danger),the best he cold hope for would be to turn himelf in to the cops.it would not go good for him.
oh ,and yes ;I've had Dobermans and American Pitbulls all of my life.

The only opportunity anyone would have, to shoot any of my dogs when they are off leash ,would be on my property. At that point there fate would be sealed.

I don't think anyone here is condoning or endorsing the shooting of pets for pleasure. I know I sure the 'ell ain't. As I take it, most here look at shooting a dog in self defense the same way most of us here look at having to shoot a human in self defense.....a necessary evil. Not something we would ever want to do or by the grace of God ever have to do....but none the less something we would do to protect ourselves and our loved ones. If someone shot my dog for pleasure or out of stupidity, I too would go to great lengths legally to make the SOB pay...one way or the other. But if it were justifiable because of my or the dog's actions and was unavoidable, yes I would be hurt and saddened, but I would understand.......cause I would do the same thing.
This is a very emotional issue for many people, on both sides, and there's little more to be gained than rehashing opposing positions.

Many thanks to those who kept the converstation civil.
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