blending hobbies, anybody else try it?

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I've started making 1911 grips and just sold my first pair. Gives me something to do and heck I might even make a trade or a dollar.
What are these thingys?

Loading blocks. Hold 20 rounds for taking to the loading table in cowboy action shooting. 5 rounds in each revolver, 10 in the lever action rifle. The leather cover holds the rounds in the wood block and snaps off. Embossed with my SASS alias.


sorry, a little out of focus.
I hope to get good enough at wood working so I dress up stocks with inlay and maybe even carve them starting from a log.
Varoom, Kaboom, Hellooo!

Had a clique of associates in my (amateur) Radio Rifle (motrorcycle) Riding Club back in the day...
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