Bloomberg Criticizes as ‘Soft' Politicians Who Stand in Way of Gun Crackdown

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
Bloomberg Criticizes as ‘Soft' Politicians Who Stand in Way of Gun Crackdown
By JILL GARDINER - Staff Reporter of the Sun

Mayor Bloomberg says politicians who oppose measures to crack down on illegal guns have been "cowed or duped" by an "extremist gun lobby."

During an appearance in front of the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington yesterday, Mr. Bloomberg said elected officials in both political parties have been too "soft" when it comes to trafficking and possessing illegal guns.

"They say that they are protecting the Second Amendment, but that's a red herring if ever there was one, and it's time for us to start exposing it," Mr. Bloomberg said.

"The Second Amendment does not give anyone the right to sell or possess a gun illegally," he said.

The speech, which was delivered at the caucus' legislative conference and arranged by Rep. Charles Rangel, was part of a larger second-term effort by the Republican mayor to cut the flow of illegal guns to the city. It came on the same day that the House Judiciary Committee considered three bills that would restrict data sharing on guns between municipalities. Mr. Bloomberg has testified against them.

The mayor recently sued 15 gun dealers in five states after the city conducted an undercover sting operation and found that they were not following federal law properly.

He has also spearheaded a coalition of mayors from big cities across the country. While gun-control advocates have praised his aggressive efforts, the National Rifle Association and others say he is overstepping his bounds.

Mr. Bloomberg has said he is doing it because the federal government has failed to. A spokesman for the NRA, Andrew Arulanandam, defended the organization, saying that it has invested millions of dollars to back programs and that keep guns away from criminals.

Others praised his effort. The mayor also made an impromptu appearance on the Reverend Al Sharpton's radio show to talk about guns.
The mayor recently sued 15 gun dealers in five states after the city conducted an undercover sting operation and found that they were not following federal law properly.

What authority does he have to oversee and enforce federal law? Let that bastard slide on this and soon he will be levying taxes on people in other states.
So, I assume that he will start enforcing OTHER federal laws and start turning in illegals in NYC for deportation? (Yeah right!)
So I assume that he'll be going to jail for interstate conspiracy to commit fraud, engage in straw sales and violate the 1968 Gun Control Act?
So I assume that he'll be going to jail for interstate conspiracy to commit fraud, engage in straw sales and violate the 1968 Gun Control Act?

We can only hope! :evil:
Well, if NYC can be a haven for illegal aliens, then I hereby declare El Alcazar del Tejon a haven for illegal guns (Bloomberg thinks all guns are illegal). All guns from New York City should be sent to me, Mr. Mayor. Let's start with your guns and your police departments' weapons. I'll take your Emergency Services guns first please.:)
During an appearance in front of the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington...


I wonder what was said at the Congressional White Caucus about this subject...oh wait, there ISN'T a Congressional White Caucus, THAT would be racist now wouldn't mistake.
oh wait, there ISN'T a Congressional White Caucus, THAT would be racist now wouldn't mistake.

What's racist are the current gun laws there. Only rich white males can get guns to defend themselves (except for one rich black woman in a wheelchair).

I'll never understand these Black groups that side with the Dems/Left when they are disarmed and unable to protect themselves by the very party they are behind.

Are they all insane?
In the latest issue of Rolling Stone (it's my cousin's! Honest! And she only buys it for the music news!), I found it interesting that "The Bloomer" also whined about Howard Dean having NRA endorsements....?

I think that's what the article was saying. Bloomberg was saying that guns are not just a Republican issue, there are "problems" in both parties...:rolleyes:
I'll never understand these Black groups that side with the Dems/Left when they are disarmed and unable to protect themselves by the very party they are behind.

Pure ignorance.

It's the only explanation for blacks that rally behind the party of Jim Crow and segregation and George Wallace and Robert KKK Byrd. The first freed blacks were Republicans. The Republican Party of Texas was formed almost entirely by freed blacks. The GOP is the party of Lincoln. Republicans were responsible for most of the reconstruction era civil rights protections. The Democrats ran the old south where blacks were treated like 2nd rate citizens and lynched regularly. Are blacks so ignorant of history that the majority of them will swallow the demorat hook, line, sinker and boat?

Is public education run by liberals to blame? :confused: Is it the race pimps? :confused:

Don't black people want to keep what they earn? Why would they want to side with the Democrats that want to take their hard earned income/belongings and redistribute it to deadbeats and illegals?
Are blacks so ignorant of history that the majority of them will swallow the demorat hook, line, sinker and boat?
IMO, a large percentage of people are only aware of the history of the years they have lived. Anything before that is; are you sure, naw that didn't happen or some other remark that lets you know that they never really studyed history.

Want to prove it. Ask some people under the age of 50, what happened on December 7, 1941; what is so important about july 4, 1776.

I asked a college student from Richmond Virginia
if she knew who fought in the Civil War, it took her a little while to figure out
it was "north and south" yeah I asked her but what side of the battle was your town on? ...she didn't know! & she grew up in Richmond! She didn't know Confederacy from Union!
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