Bloomberg 's AntiGun money are showing polls

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Feb 4, 2003
and media airtime that the majority of Americans wanted AWB and background checks enforced. They are also employing and paying pundits to spread their agenda. Be wary as you will hear more of these polls being shown on media, print, internet and television. They will keep saying it again and again to conditon the public.
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That is the danger of Bloomberg. He is like a cancer. Very dangerous, and we do not have the equivilent power on our side. We have real 'grass roots', but we must continue to act as a whole.
Say what?

I KNEW that wasn't coming out right LOL! What I meant was that Bloomberg is a rich individual with plenty of focused money that he can throw around. We (as far as I can tell) don't have a single individual that is so financially powerful. What we DO have is the power of our numbers, and we have the facts on our side, and not a small amount of money ourselves (just not 27 billion), but since we are many people instead of one individual, we have to coordinate our efforts.
They will be manipulating all sort s of media facts and factoids to saturate the airwaves. Its a media war for these people and they are good at it. Coupled with a president that is making it as his agenda , then we are fighting this fight for a long while.
Obama is going to CO and CT today to speak on gun control amidst the backdrop of massacre sites.
What I meant was that Bloomberg is a rich individual with plenty of focused money that he can throw around. We (as far as I can tell) don't have a single individual that is so financially powerful.


In nerd terms, Bloomberg is a powerful sith...a Darth Vader. We need a powerful jedi...we need a Yoda.
The Gun Industry must pump more money to help the NRA and many progun causes defending the 2A. The anti
s are relentless in this fight to take our rights. Bloomberg and the media conglomerates are wel paid by his money to pump all sorts of facts and factoids while twisting the truth to their favor. This is a media war for these people and they are good at it.

Even Jim Carrey the comic actor was well paid to mock at the 2A and the reputation of Charles Heston. They'll do anything to mock, joke, cajole and play about the 2A.
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This is the new phase in the fight to defend our 2A. The initial three months after Sandy Hook was just a starter. The second phase of attack is now in full motion. Bloomberg is employing pundits, media airtime, hollywood comedians and all sort s of gimmicks to sway and mock the 2 A . And politically, they are drawing sympathies by showing all the grieving families .
Nathan post #9 is correct. It is going to be a continual grinding onslaught. It will never let up, but as long the political climate is such that they feel they have an upper hand, or are close to it, they will keep pressing. We must continue to do the same. 2014 is right around the corner. THAT is where the fight is. And on from there.
Anti-Gun Legislation is always passed in the wake of tragedy or perceived threat. The politicians like to pass anti-gun laws when the subject is still fresh on everyone's mind. However, if we can hold off long enough until people cool down and forget, then we can win.
The Bloomberg -Obama -MSM -are doing a multi prong attacks on the 2A. They know they will find their sweet spot and go from there. If we dont keep up the fight, then they will succeed. They are also good at reversing psychology .
And politically, they are drawing sympathies by showing all the grieving families .
They are not showing the greiving families who don't agree with the gun control agenda, are they? And our side won't exploit the families who think gun control is not the answer, in the manner that the other side exploits the families who feel that something-anything must be done.

What we are facing is a well-financed Moral Panick campaign. Anyone remember Satanic Ritual Abuse? Or the fear of Millenial Cults uprising during Y2K? Or Comic Books seducing the innocents in the 1950s?
Those "MAIG" ads are running here in Ohio, saying contact Senator Rob Portman that you do support universal background checks. Probably Bloom (ing Idiot) berg supposes that has Sen. Sherrod Brown in his camp.

My call to Senator Portman's office said that the universal background checks are unreliable, unenforceable and have less than zero merit. The Criminal Element will NOT go through with the UBC. I also suggested that Senator Portman 'have a word or 2' with Bloom (ing Idiot) berg that he should keep his message and money out of Ohio, and the rest of the USA, since he has made such a mess of NYC. I also mentioned Bloom (ing Idiot) berg's failed "Sugary Drink" law.

P.S. I did NOT call the (koff koff) esteemed mayor Bloomberg Bloom(ing Idiot)berg to Sen. Portman's assistant.
If Bloomberg goes the distance he is now better financed than the NRA. 27 billion/4.5 million (NRA members) means every single NRA member would have to put up $6000 to match Bloomberg's potential coffers.

I do think the NRA needs to change focus a bit and expend more energy on battleground states and races, same as the opposition.
ny32182, you are comparing Bloomberg's total assets with the NRA's potential income. Depending on which source you trust for Bloomberg's valuation, you can knock $9 billion off his assets just in difference of opinion on valuation.

I don't know what Bloomberg's cash on hand is; but the NRA outspent him (and spent way more effectively) in 2012. Bloomberg's main asset is that he runs a media/information empire. That allows him to create the impression of omnipotence without actually having to pay for it; but it still doesn't make him omnipotent.
I do realize that, and doubt he'd go the distance in terms of billions and billions out his own pocket, but he will also be getting outside donations to his "super PAC" I assume... how significant those are I guess is yet to be seen.
A $10 donation from every gun owner will generate more money than old Bloomy can deal with.

yes but to who, and what organization? MSM won't play anything the NRA or anyone else comes up with that's Pro-2A. Honestly, $10 is nothing to me. $100 would still border on nothing. $1000 is even do-able. But there's no answer to the who/what/where that will actually do the most to counter Bloomy.

Bloomy has money, media, and moral outrage.
We have guns, ammo and the Constitution.

I hate to say it but the former defeats the latter in this day and age, especially when the latter can't get their message out into wide circulation. MSM shoves Bloomy's message down millions of throats every day. they'll never do the same for our cause.

I don't mean to sound defeatist, but it's a realist's view.
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