Bolt rifle with Hi-Cap Mags?

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There used to be a company that made high cap magazines for Rem. 788 & Mod. 700 (also Remington pump/auto guns) rifles I think when the mag cap ban went into effect they stuck to LEO sales but soon went under. They used to advertise in all the gun rags. Sorry I do not have a name for you. I have a Indian Lee Enfield 2A (7.62 X 51 Nato, Yeah .308). Its detachable mag holds 12 rounds.

A number of companies offer conversions to bolt guns (or original build guns) that use M1A magazines for 20 rounds of .308. Robar is one, I think. Also, Remington offers a pump-action .223 rifle (Model 7615) that uses AR magazines.
There is an outfit in Austrailia making Enfield copies in 308 that take M14 mags, and in 7.62x39mm that take AK mags. I don't know if they are imported into the US yet.
Hi-cap mags on a bolter

Drakejake--You pose an interesting question, but I gotta ask: What do you want a hi-cap mag in a bolter FOR????

Hi-cap mags are the epitome of the spray-and-pray philosophy. Bolt action rifles are the epitome of the one-well-aimed-shot philosophy.

Can't imagine a use combining the two, so I ask.
I've seen Mausers in books modified by the Germans to take a 20 round non detachable magazine. Also a company did or does sell repros of them.
kjeff50cal said:
I have a Indian Lee Enfield 2A (7.62 X 51 Nato, Yeah .308). Its detachable mag holds 12 rounds.
I'm getting a 2A as well I can't wait to get it.:cool: I would like the ability to have a bolt gun take "larger" magazines. Call it a poor mans M14 if you will.
There are several manufactors that make 5 and 10 rounder mags and anything more would not be practical because most bolt actions are on a bench or are for tactical applications they would get in the way. A few rifles that have higher capacity are Styer Tactical, HS- precision... both are good quality.
I have a Indian Lee Enfield 2A (7.62 X 51 Nato, Yeah .308). Its detachable mag holds 12 rounds.
Remember that the Ishy 2A 308 magazines are not designed to be carried full of ammo and the weapon is not designed to be recharged via replacement of the magazine. The magazine is removable only for the purposes of maintenance/repair (no fast mag changes here), and the rifle is recharged via stripper clips.
There is an outfit in Austrailia making Enfield copies in 308 that take M14 mags, and in 7.62x39mm that take AK mags. I don't know if they are imported into the US yet.
Last I saw, the answer was still no. A handful of 7.62x39 examples trickled in, but no 308s yet. In fact, I can't recall who was working on it when Tristar gave up.
Guys, Last I knew Cabelas offered a mag conversion ..

go to the Cabelas catalog and search KWIK Kit

Smokey Joe,

The bolt action rifle is inherently more accurate than the semi-auto and many of them take removable mags. Why not increase the size of the mag and then have a very accurate rifle that can fire a number of rounds without reloading? I realize that the idea is a bit unusual, but it interests me.

The bolt action rifle is inherently more accurate than the semi-auto and many of them take removable mags. Why not increase the size of the mag and then have a very accurate rifle that can fire a number of rounds without reloading?


A bolt action rifle fired offhand will be no more accurate than a semi-auto. The weak point is the shooter and his shooting position, not the platform. Bolt action rifles such as sniper rifles are accurate because they are typically fired from a prone or supported position. A 20 round magazine extending below the receiver precludes using the rifle in either a prone or supported position. A 5 or 10 round magazine allow for ground clearance when shooting from a bipod; a 20 round magazine would not.

What USSR said.

And this is why I favor the M1 "Garand" enbloc 8-rd clip system that self ejects over the M-14 boxes.

Anyone that learns to master their rifle, be it a 4-rd, 5-rd or 10-rd magazine, semi-auto, bolt-action, lever - or even single shot - can accomplish about any reasonable practical task.
good grief

You dont have to defend why you want what you want. You want it and that's all anyone needs to know. if i was to ask why you wanted it just to engage in discussion or get more info, then that's fine of course. but if I was asking why just to antagonize you or to suggest that it was for some reason not what i would want; then you can tell me where to shove it and have a nice day.

Sorry for the rant. i tire of folks jumping into threads only to post what would generously be considered 'unhelpful'.

About the question: the 20-rd 8mm Mauser mags are OK. After a bit of epoxy to reduce the wiggle, and some dremeling of an interior ridge that the rims of the cartridges kept hanging up on; and after replacing the mags 'factory' follower and spring with a surplus MG-13 German follower and spring; AND dremeling the MG-13 follower to smooth a few bumps and narrow the front to allow it to pass unhindered in the rifle's mag well; it will now feed 18 rounds perfectly!

It doesn't slide into the rifle's magwell. it is a mag body that clips on in place of the floorplate. But after all that work, which reads like it was more than it actually was, it does feed fine.

The reason for removable mag on a bolt rifle is to make switching ammo types faster, make clearing jams easier, make fast loading possible despite the scope blocking the clip guides. Increase of the rate of fire is incidental to the other improvements. M14 20-round magazine are relatively inexpensive and provide enough leverage for rock and lock attachment. Fixing a 10rd M14 magazine is harder.

In my observations, 10-round Steyr SSG magazine does not work reliably. At the rifle classes, I also noticed that almost everyone had problems with the fixed Remington 700 magazines but not with the original 6(?)-round SSG or integral Savage magazines. M14 magazines would look funny on bolt actions but would be an improvement over blind integral magazines, IMO. Of course, for my skill level, an M14 would be as good a rifle as a 700PSS which I cannot shoot to its fullo potential.
It should be noted that just about any bolt action rifle with a sporter wight barrel will start to loose it's accuracy to the point it might shoot worse than a semi auto after about 3-4 rounds in rapid sucession. You might get 5 shots on a heavy barrel before the heat would cause a significat change in POI

Bolt rifles were designed for precision work, not rapid fire.

If you really want a high cap mag you could try something like this
Waffen said:
Bolt rifles were designed for precision work, not rapid fire.
Um, the whole point of the bolt action in the military was to give troops the ability of rapid fire. The Mauser clip made reloading faster as well. The Brits practiced rapid fire to the point that the Germans thought that the Brits had a large number of machineguns when all they had was riflemen that could put lead on target at a rapid pace.
I have a Rem. 700 30/06 ADL that I installed a kwik klip on from cabelas. I switched to a BDL stock and you can buy a 10rd magazine for $30
Crosshair said:
Um, the whole point of the bolt action in the military was to give troops the ability of rapid fire. The Mauser clip made reloading faster as well. The Brits practiced rapid fire to the point that the Germans thought that the Brits had a large number of machineguns when all they had was riflemen that could put lead on target at a rapid pace.
True, but I think Waffen was referring to sporting rifles with sporter weight barrels in this context.

The 19th century bolt-action military rifles generally had heavy barrels and were engineered for sustained fire, and operating in the most varied and harshest field conditions. The apexes in such designs like the Mauser '98 and the SMLE proved themselves in the two widests and most sustained wars in modern history in this regard.
I can think of a number of reasons that a hi-cap magazine might be useful. Lots of targets might be one. Also you might get in a tight spot and want to put lots of fire out in a hurry. Also the above mentioned ammo chang and fast reloads.
I know the Isrealies liked the idea. I worked for a company that built about 40 rifles for them in the 70s on Rem 700 varmit barreled actions in 308. Made the mistake of telling them that I had seen an ad for a conversion to use M-14 magazines. They refused to take any more rifles until I supplied them one. Then I found out that the conversion used magazines converted to single column feed $110 a piece for the magazines. So found a couple of good gunsmiths I knew who were interested and a month later had a working gun tha shot under an inch with a full magazine, Gun went to Isreal the next day and into Lebenon the next week. Got the riflr back two years later. The upshot was the Isrealies never ordered another rifle. They started building them for thierselves. O well. They do work and they have a purpose.
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