Boston teacher's perverted views on self defense.

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What idiot would say he'd rather see his kids die? No idiot, not even the dumbest liberal, would say that his kids' lives mean less than his principles.

Not real? Just a parody? A ruse?

I don't know. I once heard an educated lib-caller tell Sean Hannity that if he were to see a rape happening in progress, and couldn't contact police, he'd not act; not intervene; not help; nothing, because that is the job of the gubmint. And that pacifism is the way of the future apparently. He also said that if he were Neville Chamberlain, waiving that signed paper in the air, it'd be his finest hour, because even foolish pacifism is better than courageous action, apparently.

This might be a joke, but these types are definitely out there. Believe it.
Z-Michigan seems to have figured it out!

Thanks to Z-Michigan. He did some research and found another letter written by someone with the same name. As NO ONE could be THIS dense, the best explaination is that the letter writer has a superb talent for stating "progressive" arguments in their most absurd terms.

Check out this other letter, and I think you'll agree with Z-Michigan:

- - - Yoda
C'mon, people! This HAS to be a carefully crafted satire. Don't feel bad that you took the hook - that's what what good satire does.

Sadly, there will be those who agree with the perverse position so satirized and will also not recognize it as such.

The link provided by Z-Michigan clinches it for me.
This kind of thing doesn't surprise me AT ALL. I mean, come on, this is exactly the kind of thinking that has been pushed for decades. This type of comment is just the natural result and shouldn't be surprising. Expect it to get worse and worse.
As NO ONE could be THIS dense, the best explaination is that the letter writer has a superb talent for stating "progressive" arguments in their most absurd terms.

I disagree. The letter may very well be a spoof, but there are lots of people that dense.
I don't know if the letter is satire, but I have known people like that. A cousin once told me that he would rather die and have his whole family die, than to defend himself in any way. His view was that if he was killed, the sin was on the killer, but if he harmed anyone, even a murderer, the sin would be on his soul. (Of course, he didn't have a family, and I suspect the Quincy idiot doesn't either.)

He once allowed his apartment to burn out because he accidentally dropped a cigarette butt in the wastebasket. He called the fire department but they took 15 minutes to respond. When I asked why he didn't just pour a glass of water on the fire he replied that putting out fires was not his job, that was what the fire department was for.

Needless to say, he was horrified to find that I owned guns, and made it clear that he wanted no further contact with such an evil person.

(One hopes that some parents of Quincy school children might take action to help that teacher find other employment.)

"But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime."

Makes you wonder if he would call LE for help if he thought LE would undoubtedly use a firearm.
I disagree. The letter may very well be a spoof, but there are lots of people that dense.

Yeah, I agree. I know several teachers and, no offense to teachers here and good teachers everywhere, some of the teachers I know have some really silly beliefs - most of which are extremely self-serving (with respect to school budgets, the value of their teaching, and their views of the lack of value of parental teaching).

Just so no one thinks I'm of the "ignorant and proud" category, I have two degrees, as does my wife.

I would love to take credit for finding the other letter, but actually a friend sent it to me as an example of someone spoofing the liberal viewpoint in convincing terms. I'm not sure he realized that the example he sent had the same purported author as the letter that started this thread!
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this cant be serious

it unfairly rewards resourceful children who move to safety off-site more shrewdly and efficiently than others.

He makes it sound like its a unbalanced game. how does it reward anyone? its called survival of the fittest. This guy cant be serious.
I had this argument with an ex-girlfriend. (One of many arguments. You know Steven Wright says; "I learned so much about myself while I was in love. Before that I never even THOUGHT about killing myself." But anyhoo,) I carried, and she asked me why, and I told her that as an independent human being, I have a responsibility to protect my own safety, and that I just don't like being forced by criminals to live my life how, when and where THEY choose, rather than ME. She said she could never harm someone else. I asked her if she would rather live with the guilt of killing a bad guy, or FAILING to defend her child FROM a bad guy. She said this is ridiculous and hypothetical, and would never apply to her. The relationship imploded gloriously ten years ago, I married someone else, so did she, we didn't talk for a long time.

Two weeks ago, she found me on facebook. She has five kids she is home-schooling, and wants me to teach them about safety and personal protection. I reminded her that she didn't like my philosophical views before, and I went back over the conversation with her. She was embarrassed, and said if she felt that way before, she was wrong. If someone tried to hurt her kids, she would kill them.I told her that I think, most people who say they don't believe in self-defense are people who no longer have the choice, and she agrees with me. They have convinced themselves that it's better to surrender the option to the government than to take the responsibility yourself.
I will alway defend freedom of speech, in the main; however, as we all know, it is not that right to falsely yell "Fire" in a crowded theater! Nor, do statements along the mind set of this teacher fall under freedom of speech when it comes to holding their State's teaching certificate. But, since it is a basic anti-gun line of thinking (or lack of thinking), you will never get others in our school system to toss this teacher, as they mostly all agree with this twisted thinking.

I propose all teachers should be required to be life members of the NRA, hold a CCW permit, and be drug tested weekly! We would just have to learn to deal with the acute teacher shortage! :)
This is why I'm no longer an education major. I can't stand those people and I know I would never have fit in with that system.
Needless to say, he was horrified to find that I owned guns, and made it clear that he wanted no further contact with such an evil person.

Gee, how did you find the courage to go on with life?
The article is a satire.

+1 on Natural Selection

These people are going to reverse our progress!!! Idiot

Every time we save a child from a trauma, disease, or cancer that would have taken his life, thereby allowing the child to grow old enough and pass on his/her genetic code, we are doing just that. You are kidding yourself if you believe otherwise.
Also, my high school had 3500 people in it. During passing periods it was nearly impossible to move through the hallways. How do you expect over 3,000 people to exit a facility in that manor without trampling each other?
Don't get me wrong - I DO know people that think like that. Some of them are even closely related to me.

That's WHY I'm certain this is a well-written satire. It is an accurate enough reflection of certain beliefs to SEEM believable on the first read.

Go back and read it again, together with the letter linked by Z-M and I think you will agree it is a spoof.
How do you expect over 3,000 people to exit a facility in that manor without trampling each other?

Although I now, also believe this article to be a joke, I took this idiocy to mean you should sit Indian-style, holding hands in a circle and allow the maniac to go about executing whom he wishes. He'll eventually learn by your peaceful example and join you in the circle of pacifism.

That makes about as much sense anyway.:rolleyes:
it unfairly rewards resourceful children who move to safety off-site more shrewdly and efficiently than others.

Sounds like Darwin hard at work to me. Whats the problem? This guy probably has a = sticker on his bumper.

But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime.

I couldn't have more accurately described the fallacies of the so-called "progressives" if I tried. I hope that one day, he has his way.

I think this is FAKE letter to the editor......No man in his right mind would say that.
If it is in fact a true statement, from a true character, I say take a leak on him/her the big wuzzie..........
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