boxer primed ammo for K-31?

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rust collector

Staff member
Jan 20, 2004
Pierre, SD USA
I cracked under the strain and picked up a Swiss K-31 at my local dealer the other day for $100. After I clean the stock up a bit, I'm looking forward to shooting it. I don't have dies yet, but do intend to reload for it and so hate to spend 60 cents a round for the berdan primed GP11 ammunition.

Does anyone know where I can get boxer primed 7.5x55 without paying Norma prices? If so, the information would be appreciated.
Graf & Sons offers their own "exclusive" 7.5x55 ammunition using Hornady components.

The price ($19.99/20) is a bit more than surplus, and roughly 50% less than norma.

You can also purchase unprimed brass there:
Item # GRU75X55 ($28.99/100)

You'd still want to call them (800-531-2666) and verify the method of priming.
I get mine from either Southern Ohio guns or Ammo man for the standard price of $24.00 for a brick of 60 rounds.
Until i figure out the reload trick it seems to be accurate and quality ammo from both sites.
Good Luck!
Thanks for the information. Sounds as if Graf brass (yugo?) or reworking .284 cases are my most attractive options. At least regular .308 bullets should work OK. Time to order dies.
I recently inherited a bunch of PMP 7.5x55 Swiss brass.

It's boxer-primed, too, and considerably cheaper than Norma. I learned that too late, after ordering a couple hundred pieces of Norma brass for my M1911 S-R. :(
I've been resizing .284 win with great results. Good brass, super easy to resize and you're in business.

BTW, be aware that most dies on the market are cut to the 1911 chamber, which is slightly different than the K-31, which can cause issues if you plan on neck sizing. If you want a die cut to K-31 chambers, CH-4D will make you one for just under $50. Here is their number....great guys btw. (740) 397-7214
Gewehr, any idea where PMP brass is made or can be obtained? I'm not familiar with that maker.

Swingset, thanks for the die info. Don't think I'll be neck sizing, as I can't imagine a straight-pull having much extraction leverage. Especially wouldn't want to tempt fate if usuing the rebated rim .284 brass.

Dies are a bit rare in any event. Since they're a low volume/premium deal it makes sense to have them cut to suit for a few dollars more.
I didn't know that PMP (South Africa) makes 7.5x55 swiss. Are you sure that it is not FNM (Portugese?)

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