Brady Campaign on Colbert Report..

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Here's a verbatim transcription of what I felt to be the best part of the interview:

Colbert: What if I came at you right now with a knife?

Helmke: If you came at me right now with a knife? I’d, um, I’d try to trip you up and get away from you.

Colbert: OK, but I sidestepped your trip-up and I’m coming after you.

Helmke: I’d try to appeal to your rational side, and if you don’t have a rational side, then I’d try to… kick you in the… uh, where I can hurt you.

Apparently in Helmke's world, homicidal madmen have rational sides that can be successfully appealed to. And, failing that, they are easily stopped by kicking them in the groin.

The man is totally, completely, moonbat insane. The quote I posted above should be re-posted on every gun blog, gun forum, and gun website, for all to see.
I must be the only one who enjoyed Colbert mentioning how the Brady Campaign parades Jim Brady around as their mascot.
i wish i could watch it. the page loads, but the video just loads for a few minutes and skips to the next video, then loads for a few mins, and skips to the next one, etc. anybody have another source for it?
might could find it on youtube...if someone has put it up. But I guess it just aired today, so theres no telling.
nope, not on youtube yet. ive kept trying on the comedy central site. its because my internet is too slow (crappy verizon wireless); it skips to the next video before it has a chance to fully load.

i actually have it working now, its just gonna take a long time to load.
The fightin pacifists!!! They may hate guns, but they have no problem blasting holes in the constitution!! Classic...
Quote from the Email:

Dear Gunnerpalace,

Last night, Brady President Paul Helmke went face–to–face with Stephen Colbert on The Colbert Report. Click here to watch the video.

Paul held his own for the Brady Campaign and sensible gun laws with Mr. Colbert and his brilliantly outlandish antics.


Sarah Brady, Chair
I was laughing from the minute I saw Colbert's jacket.
I must be the only one who enjoyed Colbert mentioning how the Brady Campaign parades Jim Brady around as their mascot.
Now that you mention it, nice catch.
might could find it on youtube...if someone has put it up. But I guess it just aired today, so theres no telling.


Thank you redsaber75,
I just stuck it on youtube so we can get more visibility to what a rear end Helmke is.

"Can I ask why liberal is seen as bad or is that not related I am quoite confused coming from the UK system"

A lot of us are socially liberal. However, being anti-gun is a sterotypical characteristic of liberal Democrats, despite the fact that the concept of individual liberty is a liberal one. I would say we're almost evenly divided. That's why THR got rid of the 'Political' forum; too many brawls breaking out.

The issue really is not one of liberalism or conservatism, or shouldn't be.
Wouldn't it take more courage to be shot and go "No I'm not going to infringe on everyone's rights because something bad happened to me." THAT would be bold.

Oh my god! 5:22 was the hardest BURN I have ever seen on TV! ;) God, Stephen Colbert is the friggin' man! I have a new found respect for that guy. Making a serious and pointed joke about someone that got shot is pretty hardcore. He certainly does have "brass ones".
stephpd said:
The Republican party has held the conservative label for a while.The Democrats have had the liberal label.

But both parties over the last few decades have been overtaken by the far fringes. On major social issues the Dem's are seen as socialists. Take your money and give it to those who have less. The Reps are seen as facists. Take your money and give it to the rich.

Deficit spending is proffered by the conservatives when there is nothing conservative about it. It's borrowing (taxing) to pay interest on a loan. Give a tax break to the rich and then borrow the money back (T-bills) with interest.It's like borrowing money to pay the interest on your home loan.
They have also during the current president increased the monitoring of all US citizens and spend more money on Homeland Security.And declaring war on countries that have never been a threat.

Like wise the Democrats have been taken over by a bunch of special interest groups. Pro abortion, gay and lesbians wanting marriage, illegal aliens wanting to vote.Tree luggers that now see killing any animal as abuse, while PETA has killed more animals the any SPCA or humane society.

The two parties have created a great divide among the people and neither party is really concerned with obeying the law or doing whats right. And the way the system is set up a third party doesn't have a chance. And every politician in both parties are more concerned about being in power and towing the party line. There is no middle ground.

There is nothing wrong with the words or ideals of the words conservative or liberal but those words have lost their meaning in both parties and are used by one side to insult the other side.

Well, at least there are a few of us who see the system for what it is. Good explanation.
It is good to bring up Helmke's insanity regarding dealing with a knife attack, because it does illustrate how 'out of touch with reality' Helmke really is.

I have a number of friends, who are police firearms instructors. I am also in possession of a copy of an email, showing the consequences of hand to hand combat with a knife-wielding assailant. BTW: the officer involved was trained in the martial arts, but he was still severely injured.
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